Sunday. 26th. Leftovers for dinner, then went over to give Lily her 21st birthday presents.
Monday. Bit late getting to sleep, then woke up at like 5.
Spent much of the day on my blog doing some catchup blog entries including a couple from 21 years ago. Started to look at why Google isn't indexing my site very well anymore. One error it complained about is canonical links being http. The problem is I can't really do anything about that cause I have no idea how to fix MTEntryPermalink - <link rel="canonical" href="<$mt:EntryPermalink encode_html="1"$>"> cause I'm dumb. It'll be buried deep deep deep in the Movable Type code somewhere. Sad times. Leftovers for dinner, Death in Paradise 13.6, Wednesday 1.3. Then went and tried for some more comet photos on the new camera.
Tuesday. Went to bed/sleep a little late, but woke up early still. Decided to go to work (had been debating taking the day off). Tidied up a bunch of doco from all the deleting I did on Friday. Luv-a-Duck for dinner that we picked up when we went shopping today (Stu also cooked up a bunch of keto food).
Death in Paradise 13.7 then Mum photo picking.
Wednesday. Took ages to get to sleep, even though it was nice and COLD after stoopidity of the day's heat. Slept in past 6 though.
Bit of crap in the morning then mostly planning out mail server upgrade (need to build new vms). Home late, dinner of sausages and salad. Death in Paradise 13.8 (end of season 13) with another preposterous setup for a murder. Backed up computer, washed hair then bed.
Thursday. Mail upgrade planning. Built a vm. Updated some doco. Had our last drinks at Bar 59 for a while. Made pizzas then Wednesday 1.4.
Friday. Early night and slept ok (another nice cool change). Crap meetings, bit of mail server work, amongst distractions. Kievs for dinner.
Wednesday 1.5 then logged onto work for an hour and a half to do a big certificate renewal.
Saturday. 1st February. Earlyish night but awake from 2-4. Sigh. Stu was awake for ages too. Slept in til 7. Bit of house stuff, food shopping and suddenly it's 10am and haven't really done anything. Pretty much just cleaned the house all day.
Had EffanC over for dinner, which was lovely, it's been wayyyyy too long since we've had them over. Did a nice rump cap, blue cheese potato bake and brussels sprouts.
Finished the last bottle of bubbles from my 50th!
Sunday. Got about five hours sleep which wasn't too bad all things considered, but I was tired all day. Had a nice quiet day, mostly doing Dotz and also cooking up a huge batch of mince/bacon/mushroom/garlic/onion to decorate in different ways over the next week or so.