Keto slow start

So I'm fat.  Like, heaviest I've ever been.  Last year I did low carb for a month and lost several kilos.  Time to try again.

Day one was okayyyyy..

Bacon, miso scrambled eggs and tomato for breakfast - so far so good

Keto day 1

Mostly salad with some keto tuna patties Stu made the other day.  Also not too bad (and kewpie is practically zero carb!!)

Keto day 1

Dinner is where the wheels fell of slightly.  We had EffanC over for dinner.  There was a blue cheese potato bake.  And ice cream.

Keto day 1


Of course there were leftovers of the potato bake and ice cream.  So days 2 and 3 have been bad because of that.

Diet starts tomorrow!