Sunday. 19th.
Leftover lamb and veggies for dinner. Death in Paradise 12.7.
Monday. Took a little while to get to sleep then awake ~5:30. The Access Canberra ticket I opened on 5 January is still "unassigned". Fricken hopeless. My trip from 16/1 is there in the history now though, but not the first two trips on the new system.
Did up a script to look for orphaned groups/objects. Cooked up a tonne of veggies including some stuffed capsicums with some leftover cheesy mince. Watched the Death in Paradise 2023 Christmas special.
Wednesday. Took forever to get to sleep - restless - but then mostly slept ok. Bits and pieces at work, mostly going through the output of the orphaned objects script for stuff to clean up. Leftovers for dinner. Death in Paradise 13.1. Then went out to see if I could see the comet. Rob and Lynne saw me from waayyyyyyy across the field and called to me, so we hung out for like half an hour waiting for it to get dark.
I'll chuck some comet photos in another post.
But here's one of a satellite. Starlink cluttering up the sky?
Thursday. Took a while to get to sleep. Mostly decom prepping at work. Drinks at Bar 59 again. Pizzas again. Death in Paradise 13.2.
Friday. Decommission Day! Deleting All The Things. I love how much time my deleting scripts save me, not to mention saving me from RSI!! Kievs for dinner.
Death in Paradise 13.3. Started watching the Netflix series Wednesday which we both really enjoyed. Addams Family meets Hogwarts. And *of course* it's Tim Burton and Danny Elfman. Then went and had another look at the comet.
Venus and the Mt Rogers trig station
Jupiter is the bright one on the middle left, Orion in the middle at the top, and Mars just below the head of the trig station
Belconnen from Mt Rogers
Saturday. Took a while to get to sleep but slept in til 6:33. Pretty quiet day. Didn't achieve too much. Bought a new camera. Had some of my 50th birthday bubbles. Dumpling Inn delivery for dinner. Death in Paradise 13.4. Wednesday 1.2.
Sunday. 26th. 237 years since my great great great great great great grandparents arrived here. Slept mostly ok. Felt like I didn't achieve much, but I did get some stuff done.
No roast tonight, just finishing up some leftovers.