Here is a woman who's always tired, for she lives a life where too much is required

Sunday.  12th.  Cooked a very nice lamb roast for dinner with all the veggies.

Lamb roast

Death in Paradise 12.1, some Dotz, and photoshopped (with gimp) a photo of Vicki for Kit to blur out the background.


Monday.  Slept mostly ok.  Even got another 20 minutes sleep after I woke up at 5:30. 

Mini capsicum

I desperately wish we had a FOGO bin.  
Need a FOGO bin

Unproductive morning then worked with my newfound method of doing a full config dump to automate a text backup of policies (there's full data backups but you can't easily pull out just the policy from that).  Cooked up some cheesy mince and salad for dinner.  Death in Paradise 12.2.

Tuesday.  Lights out was a little bit late, so then ended up too tired to go to sleep.  Restless for like an hour, then the storm kept me awake for another hour or so.  So, tired day.  Frustration with Powershell that's setup differently in dev and prod.  At least prod works.  Spent the afternoon on the quality script again - made some good progress with that. 

Took this rather spectacular photo of the sun behind one of the epic dandelions in the afternoon.  Had to turn the phone down so the camera was at the bottom, then point it up a the sun.  Could barely see the screen to see what I was doing cause it was so low down.
Sun behind dandelion

Leftovers for dinner then Death in Paradise 12.3, then Mum photo picking.

Chives flowers

Wednesday.  Slept okish I think.  Made some good progress on the quality script, but again it was like one step forward two steps back as you find bugs.  Raced up at 16:30 to pickup the car (they even had a power outage for an hour in the afternoon!), then raced home. 

Impending storm

Beat the storm by just a couple of minutes.  


Door step hail

As I was out the back watching the hail I realised I'd forgotten to water all the plants out the back that morning, and all my strawberries were all flop :(  And I couldn't even bring them under cover because it was HAILING.  At least they all got some water (and they mostly perked back up later but a lot of the fresh runners died :(:( ).  And the mini capsicum out the front which I *did* water that morning was also all flop :(  Stoopid 30+ degree hot and windy days.

Mini capsicum

After the storm I propped it up on the side of a bucket, and it did recover.

Death in Paradise 12.4.  Some of the murders are wayyy too unbelievable.  Like right in the middle of a wedding?  With the most preposterous setup for an alibi.  Dumb dumb dumb.

Thursday.  Got the quality script mostly working.  Still a few issues.  Drinks at Bar 59 again.  It was a lot more crowded this time!!

Bar 59 beer

XL got sweet potato chips this week - they were amazingly crunchy.  The chef wouldn't tell me how he made them so totes amazeballs!
Bar 59 sweet potato chips

Bar 59 view

Bar 59 view

Bar 59 panorama

Bar 59 view south

Got Dominos pizzas delivered (even though we had stuff to make our own).  Tried to get a vomit pizza but it was a big letdown oh well.  Death in Paradise 12.5.

Friday.  Debugging and fixing the quality script.  Even figured out why a part of it was running so slowly.  Turns out if you have a big array in memory, and make a copy of it with another name, even if you only do lookups on one of them, it's super slow.  I guess Powershell doesn't like having too much in memory at once.  Christmas movie season continued with Die Hard 3.  

Saturday.  18th.  22 years since the worst day of the Canberra bushfires (I wasn't living here yet, but I did mention it in my two week old blog).  A day of All The Things.  Mostly house stuff, hardly time for any fun. 

I really should take before and after photos of this crap
Backyard cleanup

Another week, another 800mL lemon juice.  Jim is very kindly going to take this lot off my hands, as our freezer is very full of the stuff!!
800 mL lemon juice

Cooked up a heap of veggies for dinner, including a potato bake, to have with some leftover mince.

All the veggies

Death in Paradise 12.6, then Darkest Hour, which we'd both watched on our way home from New Zealand in 2018.  

Sunday.  Slightly late night due to tv *and* a movie, which meant I couldn't get to sleep because I was too tired and restless.  Another day of All The Things, altho did have a bit more time to do some hobbies.  No roast this week, oh well.

Poker plants