Marc and Jo Visit


Friday night (after several disasters at their end) Marc and Jo arrived in town for the weekend.  We chatted til quite late.

Saturday morning we went into town for some breakfast at Mocan and Green Grout.

Mocan toastie

Mocan toastie

Mocan eggs

And we also had got some tapioca and persimon.  The tapioca was nice but the persimon was a little tough.

Mocan tapioca

I took a *lot* of photos of this dog trying to get one of him with his tongue out.  I got a few.

Dog tongue

Dog tongue

There was also a honeyeater that needed documenting


Then we went down to the lake to document more birds




Magpie lark squawking

Magpie lark squawking

At the lake

Then we went for a drive up Mt Ainslie

Mt Ainslie

There were more birds :)

Ainslie wren

Marc and Jo went off to visit some other friends so we came home and chilled out, then went and did some food shopping.

We cooked up a *lot* of mushrooms (and had some leftover cause we bought too many) for Marc's strog

Marc's strog

Marc's strog

It was delicious!!

We put on Frozen after dinner while we chatted, then Rocky Horror.

In the morning Marc and I cooked up a storm for breakfast while various spouses dozed.  Bacon, eggs, hash browns, onions and mushrooms - yumm!

Mega breakfast

Then chillaxed and didn't do anything exciting.  They left later in the afternoon on Sunday.