RecipeTinEats - Saucy Baked Pork Meatballs

For my 50th, Fiona and Rob gave me Nagi Maehashi's cookbook - RecipeTin Eats - Dinner.  I'd never actually come across her site before, but I was amazed at the number of things I'd like to cook even after a quick flick through the book.  ** Edit: I actually had but didn't realise - I found a recipe for san choy bow from her! **

Anyway a few weeks ago I had a got at one - Saucy Baked Pork Meatballs - because we'd be doing our shopping at the markets that weekend and this recipe didn't call for anything special that I didn't have in the house or couldn't easily get outside a supermarket.  

It's a pretty complicated recipe.  Well not really complicated, but there's a fair bit going on.

RecipeTin Eats - Saucy Baked Pork Meatballs

This is everything for the sauce.  With wine.  Because the recipe called for some and well I suppose we'll need to keep hydrated while we're cooking right? ;)  Not too complicated, but it wanted dumb amounts of tomato paste (why not just used the whole damned tub haha).  And a lot of salt.

RecipeTin Eats - Saucy Baked Pork Meatballs

Saucy sauce bubbling away

RecipeTin Eats - Saucy Baked Pork Meatballs

Meanwhile let's get started on the meatballs.  Again not overly complicated, and again there's a lot of salt!

RecipeTin Eats - Saucy Baked Pork Meatballs

RecipeTin Eats - Saucy Baked Pork Meatballs

And they're done!

RecipeTin Eats - Saucy Baked Pork Meatballs

Next up we need to roast them for like fifteen minutes to lightly brown them.  I dunno, might be easier to just fry the things, but I suppose no harm in doing it while preheating the oven or something.  

RecipeTin Eats - Saucy Baked Pork Meatballs

Once the sauce is cooked through, I used the stick blender Annie gave me for Christmas one year to liquefy it, which worked really well.

RecipeTin Eats - Saucy Baked Pork Meatballs

Then you mix the whole lot in a baking dish..

RecipeTin Eats - Saucy Baked Pork Meatballs

Top with cheese..

RecipeTin Eats - Saucy Baked Pork Meatballs

And roast for twenty five minutes.  

RecipeTin Eats - Saucy Baked Pork Meatballs

We had them with salad and fresh sourdough bread.

RecipeTin Eats - Saucy Baked Pork Meatballs

The verdict?  Well they were very nice.  The problem is it took me two hours.  Which is wayyyy too long (I'm a lazy cook).  A lot of that time was spent precisely measuring things out.  If I were to do it again I'd be a lot more lax about measurements and would be able to throw it all together a lot quicker.  And there'd be less salt.  :)  

Is the juice worth the squeeze?
Me: yes, but only if I wasn't bothering to measure everything precisely so I could do it a lot quicker
Stu: yes, but then he didn't have to cook them ;)