Apricot Chicken

When we went to Victoria last year I bought a whole heap of snack food for the driving, including a bag of dried apricots.  We only opened them recently.  Even though I do actually like dried apricots, I never seem to eat them, so decided we needed another way to get through them.  Apricot chicken to the rescue!  I found a simple recipe on https://bakeplaysmile.com/apricot-chicken-slow-cooker/  (but don't go there - there's so much advertising and videos and crap it'll destroy your CPU).  

It's super simple - a bunch of chicken, a tin of apricot nectar, a packet of french onion soup, and a handful of dried apricots, chopped.  I didn't use all the ones here in the photo - maybe only a third of them.

Apricot chicken ingredients

Chuck it all in the slow cooker with a bit of water to cover

Apricot chicken

At the end I mixed in a few teaspoons of corn flour so it'd thicken up a bit.

It doesn't look like much but it was very nice

Apricot chicken

Next time I'd probably do boneless pieces, as bones are annoying in the slow cooker.