Stuffed Capsicums

I've done these a couple of times now, and they work really well.  Basically you just cook up any of your favourite stuffing mix and bake them.

You can use whatever mince/stuffing you like really.  For this one I had finely chopped mushrooms which I'd fried down a bit to give them flavour and less water, some rice, some finely chopped cauliflower, and some feta cheese.
Stuffed capsicums

I use the packs of mini capsicums, just cut in half with the seeds removed
Stuffed capsicums

Load em up and spray with a little olive oil spray
Stuffed capsicums

Top with cheese
Stuffed capsicums

Then roast for like forty minutes or so
Stuffed capsicums

They're delicious.  The sweetie even went back for seconds and he's not even a huge fan of capsicums :)