Day 14 - 13th May - Prague to Vienna


Another 6am start. Need i say more.

Stu was feeling sick so went down to breakfast by myself. Had more bacon yummm.

Then we packed up and made our way to the station to catch our train to Vienna. Pretty uneventful trip really.

Our train from Prague to Vienna
Our train from Prague to Vienna

Got dropped in Südbahnhof in Vienna and were left wondering how to get to the u-bahn. An info-point guy told us, oh go out, turn left and three hundred metres. Hrmmm. Through various building construction sites. Hrmmm. Such a friendly welcome to the city :/

Anyways, got the u-bahn to our hotel which turns out to be about 100 metres from the cathedral in the centre of the old town, so that was pretty cool. Until we had to figure out how to find reception. There was a locked gate at the front, so we had to buzz to be let in. But then there were no signs pointing to reception, so we had to buzz again to be told second floor. Bumheads. So checked in ok. Came up to the room, which is the smallest we've had so far. And no internet. The only internet is at kiosks and you have to pay 2 euro per thirty minutes. Bumheads.

So the first lesson to learn from all this is not to try and face a new city on an empty stomach. It was 3pm and we hadn't had lunch so our blood suger level would have been about minus five hundred if there were such a scale, so we really weren't coping very well. And Stu was still feeling sick. So our planned laundromat run didn't happen. Which means we'll have to cut short our sightseeing tomorrow just to find a laundromat :(  Blah!!

Anyways, we went down for a slightly early dinner at Sparky's cafe near the cathedral. And had 0.7L beers each!  And a wiener schnitzel because it had to be done. And apple strudel because that also had to be done. Heh.


They try to soften the blow of ugly scaffolding by putting pictures of what it should look like in front
They try to soften the blow of ugly scaffolding by putting
pictures of what it should look like in front 

Inside Stephansdom
Inside Stephansdom 

700mL beers at Sparky's
700mL beers at Sparky's

Was quite full after that and we didn't have internet back at the room so went for a bit of a walk around the place. Including a return trip on the train that went the wrong way so we took the .. er.. scenic route around the other way.

Stephansdom detail
Stephansdom detail 

Stephansdom detail
Stephansdom detail 

Stephansdom detail
Stephansdom detail 

Model Stephansdom
Model Stephansdom 

Regierungsgebäude or Kriegsministerium or Ministry of War (or something)
Regierungsgebäude or Kriegsministerium or Ministry of War (or something) 

This was a bit of a spinout - a swimming pool set in the canal!
This was a bit of a spinout - a swimming pool set in the canal! 

The cleanliness of these train tracks is just *freaky*!!
The cleanliness of these train tracks is just *freaky*!!

So then back here to watch tv and play solitaire. Yay.