Results tagged “Swimming” from Europe Honeymoon 2008

What's the deal with me waking up early everyday?!?  Damn that "curse of the morning person". Another 6am wakeup. Altho took ages to wake up and even longer to get ready.

Hopped on a train out to Potsdam. We were originally going to walk to a couple of the closer palaces/castles and then leave again, but when we came out of the station we saw a sign that said bike hire and thought you know that's not such a silly idea. We'd be able to cover a lot more ground, our feet wouldn't end up hurting, and there's the nice fact you don't have to wear helmets in Germany, but it would make taking photos a bit more tedious. Anyways, so for 11 euro each we hired bikes and cycled all around Potsdam. And it was brilliant!!!  Such a good decision. We could have gotten a commentary on stuff if we'd taken a tour, but really all that info is available on the web if we want it, and we just enjoyed the fresh air and exercise. So we had a great time.. And only a bit sunburnt heh.

Altes Rathaus - Old Town Hall
Altes Rathaus - Old Town Hall 

Nauener Tor
Nauener Tor 

Brandenburger Tor
Brandenburger Tor 

Schloss Sanssouci and gardens
Schloss Sanssouci and gardens 

Statue in Schloss Sanssouci
Statue in Schloss Sanssouci 

Terraces in front of Schloss Sanssouci
Terraces in front of Schloss Sanssouci 

Terraces in front of Schloss Sanssouci
Terraces in front of Schloss Sanssouci 

Chinese Teahouse
Chinese Teahouse 

New Palace - east building
New Palace - east building 

New Palace - west building
New Palace - west building 

New Palace - east building
New Palace - east building 

Orangerie Schloss
Orangerie Schloss 

Obelisk on Schopenhauerstrasse
Obelisk on Schopenhauerstrasse 

Cycling through Neuer Garten
Cycling through Neuer Garten 

Schloss Cecilienhof
Schloss Cecilienhof - site of the Potsdam Conference in 1945 

Glienicker Brücke
Glienicker Brücke - site of several exchanges of spies during the Cold War 

Glienicker Brücke
Glienicker Brücke 

Pump House in Babelsberger Park and Glienicker Lake
Pump House in Babelsberger Park and Glienicker Lake 

Glienicker Brücke over Glienicker Lake
Glienicker Brücke over Glienicker Lake 

Babelsberg, Kleines Schloß
Babelsberg, Kleines Schloß

So then got the train back and got off again at Wannsee to go for a swim in one of the lakes. The water was very cold so we didn't stay in for long, but it was very refreshing. A great way to cool off after all the cycling. And there was a little kiosk there so we had beers on the beach - awesome! :)

Strandbad Wannsee entrance
Strandbad Wannsee entrance 

Shade houses at Wannsee
Shade houses at Wannsee

By this time it was very late, so we popped into the local supermarket to pick up some dinner, then back here to eat it and drink more beer.

Kaiser's Verbraucher Markt
Kaiser's Verbraucher Markt - where we did several grocery trips

Life is good :)