I first went to the National Museum of Australia with my parents way back in 2001 on the way home from our trip to Victoria. The museum had only just opened at that point.
When I saw the braille all over the place, the first thing I did was translate it (what I could see of it).
The Wikipedia article for the museum talks about some of the words on the sides of the buildings, and here's some of my pics of them
This is "Resurrection City", and also "mate" which is all over the building (from 2001)
What's this meant to be? Totoro is my neighbour?? From 2025
But what cracked me up, and they haven't fixed it in twenty three years, is the misspellings.
Instead of "Garden of Australian Dreams", they've spelt it "Garden of Ausstralin Dreams".
And then whoever did it must have been on drugs, because they repeated it, but spelt it "aaggrgdn of ausstral?n"
And noone's mentioned this on the internet before. Go figure.
Also this cracked me up - 23 years of tree growth!!
December 2001
January 2025