Sunday. 24th. Had a very nice butterfly lamb roast which turned out really well and it wasn't too gristly. There was even a crackling of sorts, which may have turned out better if I hadn't put a lid on the baking dish!
Finished watching the Lego Masters Christmas special from the American series. For some reason channel 9 didn't put any ads through it. Go figure!
Monday. Slept mostly ok but woke up early. Busy hour before work trying to catch up with life. Frustrating day getting nowhere with my script cause I'm dumb. Leftovers for dinner and blogging. Watched Crocodile on Black Mirror - distracted by the scenery in Iceland!
Tuesday. Slept mostly ok. More frustration with my script. Had some time off it and went to figure out some other stuff which was cool. Gave up trying to work out the bug with my script and ran it over prod anyway.. where the server promptly said piss off and disconnected the script. Sigh. Leftovers for dinner. Mum photo picking then Hang the DJ on Black Mirror which was kinda sweet.
Wednesday. Slept mostly ok. Oh the humidity!!! But hardly any rain - ripped off!! Someone decided that we could save a fortune in electricity during the energy crisis in the extreme heat wave by mandating that we close all the blinds and turn off monitors not in use. Property peeps didn't even say excuse me as they pushed past me to get at the blind handle. Never mind that these blinds are flimsy AF and closing them would make very little difference, or the fact that it was 21.5C outside when they did it. Then they turned off the aircon.
Yeah it was a pretty miserable afternoon.
Had some success with my script though - managed to get it to hobble along and generate a nice report for me which was pretty cool. No progress on the powershell module though. Leftovers for dinner then Metalhead on Black Mirror.
Thursday. Slept mostly ok.
Tiniest poppy ever??
Wanted to get a few things done in the morning but derailed by people wanting stuff. Work Christmas party in the afternoon which was pretty chilled.
Ate way too much. They wouldn't give me extra crackling as I went through (even though we were right at the back of the queue and there was heaps of crackling left).
But after the speeches when serving was all done, I grabbed a little bit more. And then XL grabbed us a bunch more as well. I may have eaten way too much. Whoops. Didn't have anything at all for dinner.
Friday. Took a while to get to sleep but then slept mostly ok.
Had a catchup morning - dealing with several weeks worth of mail. Had a bit of fun in the afternoon redoing our links portal. Made the sweetie pizza for dinner since he missed out last night.
Treehouse of Horror XXXV then John Wick. With a phone call from the mother type person in the middle.
Saturday. Slept ok I think.
Some house stuff in the morning. After lunch we headed out to the club. Helped out with dinner prep and with serving. It was a feast of epic proportions! It was a pretty good night, with over 70 people there!! Might have accidentally stayed up til nearly 2am. !!!!!
It might have rained A LOT over Canberra which was pretty awesome. The Christmas tree .. and all of us.. got a little.. moist .. ! ;)
Who's gonna make the gravy..? Me!! I've never made this much gravy before! A whole packet!
Sunday. Woke up around 5:30 and 6 briefly but slept through til 6:25. Got ready and headed up a bit after 7 only to find most of the cleanup had already been done. But I did spend ages doing a heap of washing up. People took some of the food and I brought home what was left. Tammy also found this little tortoise! She had to run though so didn't have time to wait for it to come out fully.
Quiet day at home. Tired after only four hours sleep funnily enough!!!