Monday. 28th. Cranky cause I was meant to do a time use survey over the weekend. Except they mailed me on Thursday. We went to Queensland on Friday. I never saw the emails til Monday. When the survey had closed. With only a "noreply" email address to reply to. "noreply" email addresses should totally be outlawed.
The congo tetra that hadn't been eating had died. I was also trying to fix the outflow to the 620T tank, and found the stone that I'd previously used to pin down the filter wool from flowing away had gotten stuck there. Just trying to deal with all the crap and suddenly it's 8:40. Sigh. Catching up and dealing with crap all day. Blogged last week. Cooked some frozen chicken pieces I had in the freezer with some veggies for dinner (cabbage bake and brussels sprouts). Watched Mazey Day on Black Mirror. Another "low tech" one. Another one where they can't keep the damned camera still.
Tuesday. Slept mostly ok. Pissed off at one of my lovely poppy plants being knocked over. I blame retarded cats.
So I brought the flowers inside. As you do.
Bits and pieces day, mostly watching security talks.
Leftovers and random stuff for dinner. Demon 79 on Black Mirror. Another "low tech" one.
Wednesday. Slept mostly ok (once I finally got to sleep). Of note is that I finally finished uploading all my Queensland 2014 photos!! For those of you reading along at home (hi Mum!) you can go back and see food and hotel photos. Noone else will ever care, I'm sure. Took an early mark and went with Neil and Tony to Herbert's to finally try the very last TRBC beer - a blood orange sour.
The sweetie decided we had to have pizzas on a Wednesday since I'd be out Thursday night..
Thursday. Slept mostly ok. Stu thought it was Friday cause I'd been out drinking the night before and we'd had pizza for dinner..
The lake is very low at the moment...
Crap all day. Drinks, trivia night. Heaps of trash, like a whole round on exec baby/kid photos, and some super specific stuff that if you worked in the right area you *might* know, or crap like when does a full moon next fall on Halloween (and when did it last). ie, not a whole heap of actual real trivia. The exec table won. Yeup.
Friday. Slept mostly ok although woke up very early. Crap all day again.
The poppies that I brought inside. I didn't think the unopened buds would open but they did! But with a delicate peach colour rather than the bright orange they'd normally be.
The neighbour's bamboo is making a break for freedom.. hmmmmmmm!!
This can't be good!!
The sweetie ordered Dumpling Inn for dinner nom nom nom. The National Anthem on Black Mirror (for some reason Netflix started me at season 6, so back to season 1). Early night.
Saturday. Slept mostly ok. A day of All The Things. Starting with the broken lemon tree..
Yeah .. 112 of them .. !! I put 20 of them on the letterbox with a sign that said "free". Only four left by the end of the day.
Changed the nameservers for over to CloudLoop. Did some hosting tidying up and clearing stuff out of Vodien.
Same plant, two colours...
Leftover Dumpling Inn for dinner. Watched an episode of Donna Hay's Christmas special from 2022. Found her house in Avalon in a few minutes. Although I guess it could always be some family/friend's house. Edit: or probably just hired - there was a thing in the credits about "Katy Young, Contemporary Homes" or something. Also. I wish she'd stop saying "perfect". !! Fifteen Million Merits on Black Mirror.
Sunday. Slept ok. Another day of All The Things. And still didn't get nearly enough done.
Put another 10 lemons out on the letter box. All gone by the end of the day. Still have like 70 on the family room table...
Finally posted my dramas with Vodien over August/September.
Also this little bastard nearly dropped on my head. I heard it go *thonk* right next to me as it fell down from the roof!
Hot today. Like 31. Gross.