Crystal Creations .. is trash!

Last year Kit did a few Diamond Dotz pictures that looked pretty amazing and looked like fun to do.

So after Christmas last year, I bought myself a Crystal Creations set of a koala.  It was $8 at Target, reduced from $16.

The picture looked great and the stretched canvas over a frame was really good.  It felt like generally pretty good quality.

Crystal Creations koala drills

I started with the flower in the corner first and really enjoyed doing it and it looked really good.

Crystal Creations koala flower

Then I started onto the koala from the bottom.  And this is where things fell apart.  The greys in the set bore little relation to the box/canvas.  Check it out..

The box..

Crystal Creations koala box

The canvas..

Crystal Creations koala canvas

The reality..

Crystal Creations koala reality

Total fail.  Instead of nice gradients of colour you just got random greys plonked together.

I persisted anyway and finished it a while back.

Here's the box versus the finished product..

Crystal Creations koala box

Crystal Creations koala finished

If this is what is to be expected of Crystal Creations I would never do anything by them ever again.  Crystal Creations is trash!  I guess it's a case of you get what you pay for...!!