I've updated the design of this blog to swap out the Google Analytics code for the new stuff, fixed the path to the files, and fixed all the scripts and style sheets to https (hard coded).
So just doing a test post to see if it .. works.. before republishing the entire site (which could take all weekend..).
Oh that reminds me, I need to take tags out of the published pages.. Done.. I think..
I also cleared the activity log - cleared nearly 9MB! Down from 56.4MB to 47.8MB
And then in a very long battle with timeouts.. I deleted all the Assets.
And now things post super quickly..!!
Kazza the Blank One
Testing comments. They seem to work anonymously, but not if I'm signed in. If I'm signed in, it still uses a http script, not https. No idea why.
Sylvia Johnson
I received the test blog, now to see if I can post this comment
Kazza the Blank One
test reply
You're still using Movable Type? Wow. I thought I was one of the last to use it, and I migrated to WordPress a long time ago!
BTW... I got a 500 Error, but my comment did post.
Kazza the Blank One
Yeah I'm getting 500 errors posting as well. Working with new hosting provider CloudLoop on a fix (who are being amazing!!!). Not sure what I'll do if we can't get it working. Not sure I want to move to WordPress. I remember your struggles. All the struggles. I could maybe just "delete" the blog and leave it all static content and then start with a fresh database. Pretty ugly solution though. I just really really don't want to go back to Vodien...