Monday. 8th. 30th anniversary of the Como-Jannali bushfires, my 21st blogiversary, David Bowie would have turned 77. Slept mostly ok. Oh The Humidity in the morning though!! OMFG Con discovered Windoze 11 will FINALLY let you ungroup taskbar icons. Totally made my day. Mostly working on decoms. Chatted to Chris and Glenda after work for an hour about Japan. Then went for a walk. Then cooked up some scrambled eggs for breakfasts this week. And then it was bedtime. Sigh.
My copy of unlink the rings was in an incomplete state. I spent ages and ages and ages getting it into a 2x6 configuration that could be recovered with help online. Then followed a tutorial to solve it. Cause I was always too dumb to solve these puzzles.
Tuesday. Low carb regime starts today. Need to try and lose a few kilos in the next six weeks. Except I didn't sleep. Awake from like before 2 to after 4. Then slept a bit but then awake again. Zombie day.
Mostly spent the day working backwards through my todo list finding things to work on. Couldn't really concentrate on much though - too tired. Cooked a nice dinner - leftover sausages, with mushrooms cooked in butter and a little cream at the end, and broccoli (from Chris's! Just microwaved for a couple of minutes) with a sauce of olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Looks simple but took 3/4 hour - mostly because I wasn't thinking clearly on account of being a zombie, and the not putting the mushrooms on til later (should have put them on first).
After dinner went for a walk up Mt Rogers.
And then it was bed time, because if you try and cook and exercise it takes up your entire damned evening. Sigh.
Wednesday. Was too tired to go to sleep. Was almost asleep but the sweetie poked me cause I was snoring then it took another hour and a half to get to sleep. So Wednesday was another zombie day. When I went to feed the fish in the "angel" tank in the morning noticed the door was scraping the bottom which it wouldn't normally do. So looked closer and there was water all over the bottom shelf. !!!! Looks like one of the filter wools up the top and drifted into the outlet and clogged it up, so it was backed up all over the top, leaking out the edge near the inlets for the powercords for the filter and lights, and flooding everything beneath. Man they really should make fish tank stands out of real wood instead of chipboard which just swells up when it gets wet. Yanked the power, got out some towels and dried it all as best I could, then setup a fan to blow on everything to dry it. (But with Oh The Humidity all week I left that fan running for DAYS and it didn't even fully dry). Continued looking at my todo list at work and more looking at decoms. Went clothes shopping at Target at lunch. It didn't end in tears, but it certainly wasn't successful. The only jeans they have in stock (pretty much) are stoopid skinny ones. I took two into try on but only tried the first one and knew the second one would never work. But look at this. Look at the pocket!! Pity there was exactly ONE pair of this Yasmin style in store, nowhere near my size. Pity, would have been cool.
Then I tried on seven (SEVEN) different bras. !! Only three of them even vaguely fitted. One was a bit too small, one was a bit too big, and the one that was definitely the most comfortable had FOUR clasps instead of the usual three. Damn my grandmother for giving me ginormous boobs to have to deal with. In the end bought the one with four clips, but there weren't any more, so the hunt will continue.
For dinner I fried up some leftover pork and cabbage in whatever jelly I could find in the freezer, which I think was lamb jelly because it was full of rosemary. Don't eat those dried fried onions in future though, they are definitely not low carb.
Did some Turkey photo culling then went for a walk. Hot. Humid. Sigh.
Got back and had to backup my computer but the external drive was being a poo and either not showing up in windows, or showing up but not being accessible. Went and washed my hair (it was to damned HOT AND HUMID to deal with) then rebooted it again and was able to backup, but then it didn't finish til like 22:30 (after filling up the disk and I had to delete some crap) which is WAYYY past my bedtime. Sigh.
Thursday. Once again I couldn't get to sleep (til after midnight this time).
Oh the humidity!!
Another day of decom work and working through my todo list. Drinks at Lighty after work (man after work drink prices, pub prices HURT) and KFC for dinner (we won't mention Subway for lunch, definitely not low carb!!). Mr Miyagi in MASH and Death in Paradise 7.8.
Friday. After like four nights in a row of not sleeping went into the other room and slept somewhat betterly. Felt actually somewhat alive in the morning and was able to get through some housework before work.
Deleting Day at work which always makes me happy. Lunch with the Chrises at the Burns Club. No not that one, the other one. There's another one, did you know? Turns out I'd been there year and a bit ago when it was Magpies. We won't mention the magpie that brought its kid along and wanted food. And we're like, nah this salty stuff is no good for you. Which is the exact same thing with me and unhealthy food. I KNOW it's unhealthy but damn it tastes good.
Did I mention the humidity?
Fried up some leftover pork in lamb jelly and had it with salad which was very nice.
Saturday. So the brother type person called on Friday night and offered to come and look at the oven (remember it tripped the power on New Years night) since I'd been too afraid to run it ever since. So of course overnight I was stressing about the oven. Because the damned DELONGHI POS is less than FOUR YEARS OLD and has already died TWICE. And because I stress, I don't sleep. Hurray for being me. Got a bit of stuffs done in the morning but not really enough.
The baby capsicums are still alive..
David arrived mid afternoon. We turned on the oven. It didn't trip at least but it didn't heat up. So he pulled it out and found that sure enough, the rear element had blown (the one we use All The Time).
So we went out to buy a new oven. Because it's too damned hard to get replacement parts for Delonghi POS we went with a Westinghouse. And normally we wouldn't get extended warranty but this time we did. Because they PROMISED that they would replace elements if they blew. And at least for Westinghouse you CAN get replacement elements. Unlike Delonghi CRAP. We took our car because it was supposed to rain like Any Second, and it did in fact start to rain while were picking up the oven.
We were too busy installing stuff to pay too much attention to the Epic Storm (which mostly passed south and east of us).
Yeah doing electrical work during a massive thunderstorm is surely the greatest idea in the world.
But as I mentioned it was pretty sedate at our place.
Did I mention I have the bested brother in the entire universe?
Once it was all going (you have to run it for like half an hour to burn out all the manufacturing grease) we left it on and threw some veggies in it..
This oven probably runs a little hotter than the old one (or morely likely just has better air flow because of a bigger space for the fan to let out its heat..) so the bottom rack heated a lot more than I'm used to..
And of course then there was the lamb which was EPIC AMAZING. Who knew you could stick a couple of kilos of lamb in a slow cooker all afternoon with garlic and rosemary and you end up with pulled lamb which doesn't even need gravy it's so tender and juicy. Oh wait, I might have, if I'd actually gotten to taste any of the lamb I did this way back in 2021 for the club Christmas in July (ok, I got like one mouthful back then).
Then we just chatted while David tried (and failed) to get Google to talk to our lounge room lights.
Sunday. Woke up around 1:44 and didn't get back to sleep til well after 4 and then it wasn't great sleep. Sigh. Cooked some bacon and eggs and spinach for breakfast (spinach is a big fat poo - you cook half a bag of the stuff and get like two mouthfuls each). Then David and I went to the tip to dump some flouros and batteries and course we needed to do a Green Shed run. Don't tell Stu but I got some more jigsaws. Then to Vinnies so David could look at DVDs and OMFG I actually bought a pair of jeans!! ha! Came back and had some lunch (well David did, I had mine later) and we started a jigsaw. Which we did for the next several hours. Whoops.
Cooked up an epic feast for dinner, hopefully for leftovers for breakfast for the week...
Oh, also, Chrome (and of course edge) are being Big Fat Poos and aren't allowing commenting anymore because OMFG IT'S SO INSECURE.. Search does the same thing but at least you can click proceed anyway. But posting comments is problematic - it won't save form data because OMFG IT'S SO INSECURE - but even if you click post anyway you get some error from the blog (don't have a copy on me right now). I was going to hardcode the form posting to https this weekend but, well, life. Maybe next weekend. Anyway, thanks Dave2 for the comments (and Mum too), I did try to respond..