When I first saw this for sale I knew I had to get it. So I did, for myself for Christmas a year ago.
It's split into three major sections. I took my time making it - to prolong the enjoyment of it. So it actually took me from March to July, doing only a few bags a week.
Section 1
You start with bow of the ship. There's twelve bags that took me five hours thirty-eight minutes (approximately).
Some other photos at the end of section one
Section 2
Now we start on the middle section. There's sixteen bags and it took me four hours and fifty-three minutes.
A closeup of the top deck
Section 3
The final section. Eighteen bags and six hours, thirty-nine minutes.
The Split
The model splits into three sections. At each cross section you can see features of the interior of the ship.
The engines actually poke out a bit from one side, and when you turn them, it actually turns the propellors! Very cool!
The End!
I did find this mistake in the book. Other people found other mistakes too.
Overall it was a spectacular model, I really enjoyed it!!