I like the stock!

Sunday.  26th.  The tuna bake and veggies we had for dinner.

Tuna bake

The tree got balls

Christmas tree with balls

Monday.  Took forever to get to sleep then woke up before 5 sigh.  Ok day.  Found out we're getting *another* person in our area.  We're already two over capacity in our area and our overflow got filled up with other people.  Sigh.  I said I could just work from home full time.  

Epic dandelion flower

Stu is continuing to remain positive about his covid situation.

Stu covid rats

Tuesday.  Took forever to get to sleep then woke up around 4 and never got back to sleep.  Sigh.  Thoroughly unproductive day.  Sigh.  

I did take photos of these guys to cheer Connor up.

Ninjago skeletons

Lights in a row

Wednesday.  Took forever to get to sleep then woke up around 3 for an hour or so.  Sigh.  Tired day.  Unproductive morning, fixed a policy I'd been wanting to fix for *years* in the afternoon.  Did a rat.  Negative.  So went to the chemist after work to get more rats and some cough medication for Stu.  They had buy one get one free on rats because they were expiring in January.  KFC for dinner.  We're completely up to date with The Simpsons again, and finished Futurama.  So now we've started on M*A*S*H.

Was talking to Vic today (passed on Ding's invite to his 50th next year).  Let him know Lego progress.  Sent him a pic of these guys because they're cool.

Anubis guards

Thursday.  Went to bed early.  Took a while to get to sleep then awake from like 4:45.  Sigh.  Although nice news to get up to - our last electricity bill was -$105 :)  Eh day I guess.  Made pizzas for dinner.  Then watched Fantastic Mr Fox.  More Wes Anderson lolz.  Although it's a bit different to the book and has a lot of extra stuff.  And orange wheelie bins haha.

Titanic with lights

Lights in a row

Friday.  Ok day I think.  Too busy to do any decom work, and only barely made it through the day's Splunk training.  Watched Dumb Money about the whole GameStop debacle.  That was pretty cool.

In other news..

Stu covid rats

Saturday.  Mostly inventorying.  Then Christmas Movie Season began with Die Hard :)

Sunday.  Mostly house stuff and Getting Things Done.  There's not enough time for work.  I have too many things to do.  Did lots but also didn't do lots.  Sigh.  Did a chemist/bunnings run in the afternoon then got back from that and spent an hour and a half prepping/cooking dinners (hoping I won't need to cook much all week), then it was photos, music and blogging and it's nearly dinner time.. hrmmm...