Sunday. 19th. Cooked roast beef for dinner. It was a topside roast and it was very salty, almost like corned beef (although not *that* salty). And even though I only cooked it for like an hour and three quarters (for 2kg meat) it seemed overcooked. It looked a lot more well done that it should have, although it was quite juicy still. Stu thought maybe it had been brined or something. hrmm. Started into season 6 of The Crown.
And in other news.. it's eggnog season!!
I added some tinsel and a string of lights to the Christmas tree.
Monday. Slept ok for a while but then broken sleep in the middle of the night (not helped by Stu not sleeping really at all, which somehow disturbed me even in the other room). Was mostly Neil all day and fighting with the servers to do some filtering on more stoopid Microsoft crap that's been coming our way since Friday. They promised rain and storms all day. Pfft. Finally got around to it late in the afternoon. Cooked a nice yellow curry for dinner.
I'm going to document this better, and this variety had mushrooms cooked at the beginning, but my "official recipe" now will be onion, ginger, half a jar of yellow curry paste, garlic, fish sauce (maybe a couple of table spoons), lime juice (either from a fresh lime with zest, or cheat and use bottled juice), brown sugar (maybe a couple of tablespoons), a tin of light coconut cream (not in the photo), then whatever protein and veggies you feel like. There was leftover beef in this one, capsicum and bok choy/choy sum.
Back into season 34 of The Simpsons. Far out this season is.. weird..! Then lots of photo filing.
Tuesday. Slept ok. Bit of mail crap in the morning (fixed the filters I was working on). Did some comms doco for another infrastructure team because they can't/won't fricken do it themselves. Seriously other infrastructure teams are the WORST at doing doco/following (our) procedures. Also some work on some new proxy servers for a migration. In the evening was filing a small batch of photos from 2010 that had somehow never been filed. It's a *lot* harder to figure out what stuff is from thirteen years ago, especially without the help of Foursquare checkin history. Then Twin Peaks 1.5.
This speech was in The Simpsons tonight which was like .. yah huh ..
Enough of this do-goodery. Open your eyes, rich people. We're not here to help the less fortunate, we're here to bask in our fortunateness. If we really wanted to make a difference, we'd do the one thing we've spent our lives avoiding, paying our taxes. ( Laughter ) Then one organization, "the government," could tackle all of society's ills, instead of leaving it to 1.5 million separate ego-driven micro-bureaucracies called "charities," including... get a load of this scam... religions. But no one here wants the rational way. We all want the United Way because that's the American way. Now, I paid $10,000 for this table. I'm taking it with me.
I don't really discuss politics on my blog, but I do feel like rich people should pay more taxes so the government can properly handle critical stuff like health, education, transport, communication, energy etc and not have that stuff be privatised.
Wednesday. Slept ok. Decided to work from home "just in case" I got covid. Which gave me a bunch of extra time before I started work so I could get things done around the house. Tidied the kitchen, did a fish tank water change and put my washing away. Didn't get much actual real work done because I spent the day dealing with people wanting me to solve their problems for them. Leftovers for dinner. Finshed filing the directories of "previous years" photos (going back til about 2019), which means my entire "to be filed" folder was empty!! Hurray!! Things still do need more refining but pretty happy with that achievement.
Also added more lights to the tree.
Thursday. Took a while to get to sleep, but then still woke up early. Again working from home so did more house tidying before I started.
All The Problems in the morning, then documented some more decom work in the afternoon. Beer and pizza (delivered). Then after seeing the documentary on Pretty Woman the other night, decided to watch that. I'm not sure if I've actually seen it or not since I saw it at the movies in 1990. So that was a bit of fun. The other day I noticed @kapgar's rss feed wasn't updating. The rss feed I have in The Old Reader is but if you go to that it tries to download it. The link on his blog is but when I try that in The Old Reader I get:
We couldn't find an exact match, but here are some similar feeds we found that might be what you're looking for.
Feeds similar to
Shrug. Could I be bothered contacting him about it? Dunno.. not sure that he even likes me.
Friday. Some training in the morning then spent the rest of the day deleting All The Things.
Stu is staying positive about his covid situation..
Did a bunch of weeding after work then kiev for dinner.
Then into season 7 of Death in Paradise. Then watched Malcolm. Wasn't sure if I'd ever actually seen it, but I think I might have a while back.
This is funny. We had the print of this above our "fireplace" at home. If the thing hadn't been damaged by the new air conditioner they put in I would have taken it when Mum sold the house. It was also in The Henderson Kids. Annoyingly windoze 11 won't let you screenshot Netflix.. wtf?? Whenever you try you just get a black screen instead of the content. Irfanview wouldn't work either. In the end I just took a photo.. but seriously microsoft wtf??
Saturday. Slept mostly ok. Did some house stuff in the morning (including putting up some more Christmas decorations) then mostly inventorying.
Storm in the afternoon. Cooked creamy fettucini because there was nothing else to do while my computer was off for the (five minute) storm.
On Netflix last night I saw there was a short film on The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar. !! So Saturday night I watched it. OMFG it was so cool. It was like word for word the same as the story and done in quirky Wes Anderson style. Turns out there were four short films so I watched the other three as well - The Swan (which I remember reading and being sad about), The Rat Catcher, and Poison, neither of which I remember reading (but may have). ** Edit: Poison was in Tales of the Unexpected that I have **
Sunday. Slept ok but then woke up at 4:40 from a dream that we were in Italy and firstly we were on a bus travelling through Milan and I kept seeing things I thought I should take photos of but I was exhausted and it was going to take effort to pull out my camera and then not long after we had to catch a ferry (on the west coast of Italy, yeah nowhere near Milan) but I followed Mum down this sandy hill but we got separated from the tour group so I tried to back up to find them but couldn't and then we had to try and find a bus to get down the hill to the ferry and I was trying to find some contact information for the tour company but I was worried the paperwork was in my luggage that was with them, but I did find it in the end but then I was stressing about trying to get roaming working on Optus. The lesson I learned from this dream is that you should always always get the mobile number of the tour operator/guide as soon as you meet them in case of emergencies. I've never done this but I think I might try in future. Finished putting up Christmas decorations in the morning as well as some house stuff, but then just inventorying most of the day.
Cooked tuna casserole and veggies for dinner, then into season 2 of The Orville.
How evil is this ad that came up on Candy Crush during the week.. not sure how Apple let them get away with it..
20:08 by the time I'm posting this...