Oof I made this back in September but only just got around to blogging it. I've been wanting a goto recipe for Mac&Cheese and what should come along for my birthday but a book with a recipe in it!
Everything ready to go. 17:32.
Macaroni pasta.
Cheese sauce of butter, flour, milk, gruyere and mozzarella, with seasoning of garlic power, onion powder, mustard powder and salt.
Topping of panko, butter and salt.
Everything measured out. 18:08. Yeah the mise en place for all these recipes takes forever.
Cooking the pasta and starting on the roux. I was thinking I'd be able to make it all up in the fritatta pan and just stick in the oven. But there was going to be way too much volume for that. So I should have made the sauce in a saucepan which is less messy when you're whisking flour and butter together. She also wanted to mix butter through the pasta when it was done before mixing it with the sauce. I think I'd just time it so I could mix the pasta into the sauce straight away in the baking dish.
Once you've cooked the roux and added a bunch of hot milk, start to mix in all the cheese, then add the seasoning mix.
Looks nice and cheesy!
Mix the whole lot together in a big baking dish.
Top with the panko topping. 18:47. So an hour and a quarter to get to this point.
Bake for 25 minutes or so.
Top with parsley to serve.
Nom nom nom.
The recipe turned out really well, but there's definitely things I'd do to streamline preparation time. Not measuring out every little thing to start with.
Is the juice worth the squeeze?
Me: Yes, with modifications to the procedure
Stu: Yes