RecipeTinEats - Butter Chicken

I made this in early October.  I was going to do it one evening but Nagi wants you to marinade the chicken for quite a while, so I did that one night and cooked it the next.

Everything laid out.  17:16 day 1.

RecipeTin Eats - Butter Chicken

Into the marinade goes chilli powder, turmeric, cumin, garam masala, grated ginger, garlic, lemon juice, yoghurt.

RecipeTin Eats - Butter Chicken

RecipeTin Eats - Butter Chicken

Mix it all up

RecipeTin Eats - Butter Chicken

And coat the chopped up chicken.  17:48 on day 1.

RecipeTin Eats - Butter Chicken

So 18:01 day 2.  She says to fry the chicken (not wiping off the marinade but reserving it to add back in later).

RecipeTin Eats - Butter Chicken

Then she says to make the sauce, which is passata, cream, sugar and salt.  I took that to mean make it in a different saucepan.  But she probably meant the big frying pan.  Whoops.  But it did mean I could reduce it a bit faster as it was a bit watery if memory serves.  Also add back in the rest of the marinade.

RecipeTin Eats - Butter Chicken

RecipeTin Eats - Butter Chicken

If you did it right it would have all been done in the one pan.  But I had to mix them.  Shrug.

RecipeTin Eats - Butter Chicken

I served with rice, peas/corn, pappadams, spring onion and a really nice raita that was also in her book but I didn't document.  Served at 18:48 day 2. 

RecipeTin Eats - Butter Chicken

So 32 minutes day 1 and 47 minutes day 2.  Definitely could do it faster if I was more efficient.

It was quite nice, and the raita was really good too.

Is the juice worth the squeeze?
Me: yes, with modifications to instructions to make it more efficient.
Stu: he thinks so (he care barely remember with his covid addled brain haha).