(Mostly) Low Carb Tuna Casserole

Stu had the idea the other week that we should try out some sort of low carb tuna casserole.  I liked tuna casseroles growing up so thought that was a good idea.  So we bought a big tin of tuna.  

The other weekend I surprised the sweetie with it.

Here's the ingredients

Tuna casserole ingredients

So a big tin of tuna, an onion, half a pack or so of cauliflower rice, cheese, mustard, salt, pepper, paprika, cream and kewpie mayo.  I also threw in a handful of frozen peas/corn because I wanted to get them out of the freezer, and there was some leftover chili from Chong Co the other night that I chopped up and threw in as well.  I cooked the onion on the stove to caramelise and cooked the chili as well.  Topped it with cheese, a small handful of panko crumbs, and spring onion, then it was all into the oven for like 40 minutes.

Tuna casserole

It actually turned out really well and the sweetie has asked for it again since then :)