Potato, bacon and blue cheese bake

This potato bake was another one from my Women's Weekly Gratins and Bakes book, cooked a week after the last one in early May.

A kilo or so of potatoes, red onions, bacon, thyme, 3/4 cup cream, 3/4 cup chicken stock (both annoying amounts), blue cheese

Potato, bacon and blue cheese bake

Add sliced potato, chopped bacon and sliced onion to tray and top with some thyme.  Mix stock and cream and pour over potato.

Potato, bacon and blue cheese bake

Bake for an hour an a half.  Pull out and admire delishiousness.

Potato, bacon and blue cheese bake

Top with the blue cheese and more thyme.  Bake for a few minutes longer to melt the cheese.

Potato, bacon and blue cheese bake

Drool over results

Potato, bacon and blue cheese bake

We both enjoyed this one, although the measurements for the cream/stock are pretty annoying.  I'd be tempted to skip the stock and just use 300mL thickened cream. 

Is the juice worth the squeeze?
Stu: yes
Me: yes, but would tweak the liquid