Cheese Biscuits

The other week I had a hankering for a savoury cheese biscuit.  I did a quick look on the internet and found this.

It was pretty simple - 1 cup self-rasing flour (they said 150 grams, but who measures out flour by weight??) - turns out a cup is about 150 grams; 100g salted butter (chilled and cubed) and 75 grated cheese (again who measures that sort of thing by weight??  I used a mix of feta, parmesan and pizza blend).

Get the grated cheese as fine as you can, then set aside a third of it for later.  Add the flour and butter and smoosh together til you get a dough (I really hate making dough that way - it's a lot of work!).  

Cheese biscuits

Make little balls and flatten them (the recipe said roll it out and cut circles out with a cutter, yeah good luck with that)

Cheese biscuits

Top with the cheese you set aside

Cheese biscuits

Bake for 10 minutes

Cheese biscuits

I wasn't really a fan - they were super dry - like a savoury shortbead.  If I were to do it again I'd add a lot more cheese and/or butter.