Pulled Pork

So this was the pulled pork I cooked on Saturday.

Pulled pork ingredients

Onion, garlic, chopped/minced and put at the bottom of the slow cooker.

Cumin, cinnamon, chilli powder, thyme, salt, brown sugar and a tablespoon of mustard, mixed together and rubbed into the pork.

Then a sauce of a full cup of barbeque sauce (which is why I jumped at this recipe because I have bottles of leftover sauces from like three Christmas parties), and half a cup each of apple cider vinegar and chicken stock.

Pulled pork

Slow cook all afternoon, then shred

Pulled pork

We had it with shredded cabbage kewpie, and rice.

Pulled pork

It was very tasty and Stu loved it, but I found it a bit watery, but then the recipe did call for 2kg pork when I only had 1.2kg.  If I were to make it again I'd use a lot less liquid.