Sunday. Not backdating! Lamb roast for dinner. Except it was two small roasts not one larger one, so the cooking time was very much reduced. Which meant the garlic didn't cook fully. So I stuck it back in the oven. This has to be among the tastiest things on earth ;)
Monday. Even though I was zombie tired from not sleeping well Saturday night, I still took *ages* to get to sleep, but at least finally slept ok. It was so *windy* today. I put my washing out on the line, it was probably dry in about three minutes. Scanned a roll of negatives. Had an ok day, doing cleaning and deleting old production stuff :) Did music but no weeding. Sausages and salad for dinner. Into season 22 of The Simpsons. Did a "first pass" cull of three days of Eurasia 2012 trip.
Tuesday. Slept ok. The questions started as soon as I logged in and didn't let up for nearly an hour. Found it super frustrating in the afternoon because everything was blurry and I couldn't SEEEEE. I don't know if I was tired which made it worse, or if not being able to see made me tired. Did some photo culling before dinner.
Wednesday. Could see the screen in the morning, although it got worse during the day. Clearly I'm too old to be sitting at work all day staring at a computer screen. More cleaning with HBZ's help. And finally sat down to plan cleaning of another set of firewalls (that a previous cloud admin completely botched up and made an epic mess of). Uunifetapasta for dinner.
Thursday. Had to *go* to work. Blerf. There's still way too much covid around for me to be feel comfortable doing that. And the office is *noisy*. People yapping away everywhere, super annoying. I went to talk to Neil at one point and found myself on TWO people's cameras in two different meetings. So I went and sat back down until they were off their calls. Hate being on camera hate hate hate. Still, the bar was open so that was nice, first time in three months.
Friday. Ok day. Grilled the last of some bread I got the other day in the toasted sandwich maker with some parmesan cheese each side (and leftover KFC). Epic good. Late getting off work because Neil was stressing about upgrades, although turns out what he thought was a problem wasn't a problem after all. Doc Oc pizzas for dinner, then finally watched Zero Hour! (which Tony took it upon himself to reencode for us, and this time it worked perfectly, even streaming straight off OneDrive and casting from my computer browser). OMFG it was HILARIOUS. Not because it was actually funny, but because Flying High is pretty much identical to this movie. I mean I already know there were chunks of it the same, but I had no idea almost the entire movie, from plot to character names to the dialogue was pretty much verbatim. I mean I could even quote this movie in a lot of places because it was all the same. My brother would probably appreciate this, you should have a watch :)
Saturday. Urgh couldn't get to sleep for *ages*. Maybe even non-Dominos pizza will cause me insomnia. I still got up to go see the balloons though. Except I really didn't like the new location (Patrick White Lawns, in front of the library). It was all very cramped and there was no *view* - no landmarks (other than the library if you could make your way through the crowds to get to the north side) and surround on all sides by trees. So went somewhere else instead, which worked out a whole lot better. Pics in a separate post. Went and said hi to Neil afterwards. The day was just house/photo/jigsaw stuff. At lunch we did a Bunnings run (to get vermin poisoning stuffs), as well as Asian Supa for some bits and pieces and Officeworks (to get a decent reem of paper - to try instead of the Coles paper we have which keeps getting jammed - not sure if it's the paper or the printer). Mostly just jigasw in the afternoon.
Just a few weeks it was 181.9. Just the other day it was 199.9. Saturday 209.9. omfg, madness. See we should all be working from home to save petrol given the current crisis.
How cute is this teeny little cow that Stu painted? :)
Stu cooked dinner - a vegetarian Japanese curry which was very nice.
Watched Operation Finale in the evening.
Sunday. Slept well for a change. Forgot to have breakfast (routine was out of whack), so ended up having bacon and eggs (Pialligo bacon yummm) which was quite nice.
The day was house/photo/jigsaw stuff.. doing All The Things.
Sylvia Johnson
I find when my eyes get tired I can't focus so well on the computer screen. It can be very frustrating when you need to read something.