As I mentioned in my previous entry, this weekend I started scanning Mum's Minolta negatives, which started on our trip to America in 1983, with her new brand new duty-free camera which she got to open on the plane.
The funniest thing I've noticed is just how much extra frame space is on the negative that was never on the print. Check this out.. literally the first photo she ever took on that camera..
The negative scan (below) could do with a little tweaking, but is still pretty good.
Then there's this one which blew me away. The negative scan (below) needs a bit less green in it, but you can actually see the snow now (a few others have been equally amazing).
Or what about this?? The print faded so much over thirty years, the negative below just went a bit red (and hence a bit too much green in the scan)
Each strip of negatives is four photos, which means I can do eight at a time. And that takes three quarters of an hour. The good thing is I can pretty much just set and forget and come back to it later when it's done. So while not as "quick" as doing slides, it probably won't be as much work. Hopefully.