Saturday.  1st of January.  Very slow morning.  Turns out that late nights kill us, who knew.  Three hours late to bed.  Still woke up at normal time of course.  Managed to get a bit more broken sleep and then just played on my phone.  So my usual Saturday morning todos that are usually done by about 9am took til about mid afternoon.  hrmmm.  Then it was preparing dinner and really didn't get much else done.

Entertaining roast?  Let's see who we can entertain with this :)

Entertaining roast

Tony came over and we enjoyed the entertaining roast.  Unfortunately he likes crackling, so this had to be split among three ;)

Entertaining roast

But there's a tonne of leftovers.  Some will need freezing methinks.

After dinner we had a game of Wingspan.  Stu enjoyed it but I didn't - I found it overly complicated. I felt like I wasn't doing very well at all the entire game, and yet I somehow ended up winning, go figure.

Wingspan winning board

Sunday.  Second day of the year.  Back to normal sleeping pattern which is nice.  Well, for me anyway, Stu unfortunately didn't get to sleep til super late, probably the afternoon siesta he had didn't help either.  Then just puttering through the todo list.  Slide processing, tagged several hundred work photos, fish stuff, music practise, and spent hours catching up on This Day in History posts from the year.  Still have a ways to go on that though.  I also thought I'd read through the New Testament again, which I haven't done in ages.  If you read about a chapter a day, it takes a year to read the New Testament.  About a chapter a day of the Old Testament takes about three years.  In the past I'd read both old and new, taking three years to read the Old Testament once and the New Testament three times in that time.  This year I'm going to just do the New Testament.  I'm going to use this reading program from Bible Gateway which should be easy enough.  Leftovers for dinner then tv.  We just finished season 19 of The Simpsons, and we're now into season 3 of Sex Education.  

How pretty is this!?  I was washing up this morning and saw it shining on the bench.  Bet you'd never guess what caused it.

Pretty pattern

Does this help? :)

Pretty pattern

Feeling quite happy and relaxed, which is super rare on a Sunday night.  I wish Sunday nights could always be this way...