Monday.  6th.  Not backdating!  Day of doing doco mainly.  Did lots of gardening after work (like for an hour).  The beef cheeks I'd prepared yesterday I chucked on the stove in the afternoon to have for dinner.  Yum yum yum (clearly people aren't as interested in summer - they were due to expire that day, usually they have a couple of weeks on them).  Finished season 18 of The Simpsons.  Got stuck into year in review reading, as well as work photo labelling.

Sunflower 6 December

Beef cheeks December

Tuesday.  Team lunch, so bussed in mid morning (to avoid the peak hour crowds).  

Chili flower

Wednesday.  Did a heap of cleaning in the afternoon - all the deleting!  Blog reading in the evening - man, I was *sooo* stressed about having to go into the office the first half of the year.  Since lockdown in August it's been so much nicer.  Pity it won't last forever.

Passionfruit flower

Thursday.  Ok day, nothing too exciting.  Drinks, pizza, tv.  Backed up my phone and computer (well, except for the E: drive).

Friday.  Woke up at dentist time, til about 5am.  Thinking about all the things.  Mostly about the party.  hrmm.  But.  Party!  In the rain!  Didn't seem to deter anyone, only two no-shows, and one of those was a no-show last year too.  So nearly forty people, I think most people enjoyed themselves.  

Party selfie in the rain

I think she was hissing at me

Oh hai
Oh hai


Ugly ducklings? :)

The sun came out at the end
Lake sunset

Literally the bestest sweetie in the world.  He did about a hundred trips to the car and two trips home to take everything home afterwards.
Party packup

Saturday.  Awake for a couple of hours again.  hrmm.  Such a busy day doing All The Things.  Mostly house organising and cleaning and tidying. A bit of computer work as well.  Roasted a whole heap of veggies for dinner (with leftover sausages from the bbq). Finished season 1 of Sex Education then Matrix Reloaded (which I haven't seen since I saw it at the movies in 2003.. it wasn't as bad as I remember it heh).  Edit: I lied, I also saw it at Striker's in 2004.

All the veggies

Sunday.  Today (for a change ;) ).  Slept ok.  Annoyed in the morning because I lost a brand new hair tie *somewhere* in the house.  Maybe it'll turn up.  But another day of All The Things.  Barely any time on the computer at all, just slogging my way through everything that needs doing.  Except I didn't do much of the computer stuff that needs doing, like advertising our cruise to see if someone else will take it, booking a vaccine booster, labelling Dubbo photos, reading blog entries or labelling work photos.  hmmmmm. 

Christmas morning tea

Tonight I managed to download and process photos from the past two weeks, as well as blog last week *and* this week.  Party leftovers will be for dinner.  I need a vacation.