Junee - Day 1

On Boxing Day morning Mum and I headed to Junee.  We went up Burley Griffin Way (primarily to avoid the craziness of the Hume Highway) via Harden to Cootamundra then down.  This worked well - much much less traffic and crazy people - and quite a pretty drive. 

Arrived at lunch time, so dumped all our stuff then headed into town to the Commercial Hotel for lunch.  I had the southern fried chicken special which was quite nice.

Southern fried chicken special

And I finally got to meet Kellie!

Lunch at the Commercial Hotel, Junee

After lunch we went to the Junee Licorice and Chocolate Factory.  I'd been there once, the first time I ever visited David in Junee, but that day he was running late to have lunch before work, so we only dropped in for a few minutes.  So this time we had a wander around to look at the hall and the machines and the gift shop.

Junee Licorice and Chocolate Factory

Christmas tree in Junee Licorice and Chocolate Factory

Junee Licorice and Chocolate Factory

Licorice coating machines in Junee Licorice and Chocolate Factory

Chocolate machines in Junee Licorice and Chocolate Factory

Headed back to David's to drop off our chocolate purchases.  Snapped a photo of some of his roses while I was waiting for other people to get organised.

David's roses

Then we went over to Peter Neve's to say hi.  I was last there in June 2019 by the looks of it.  Last time I was there, the pit was still under construction.

The pit


Pete's Hobby Rail

Train destined for Wauchope

Then we all headed back to David's to crash and drink a whole lot of water.  David cleared the dining table and we played four rounds of Rummy-O, and we all won one each, then a game of Five Crowns, which I won.  And David may have made pancakes for dinner.