Christmas 1981-2021

Christmas 1981

There's actually no photos of this Christmas!

Christmas 1991

I got my first camera for Christmas in 1991, and the first photo I took on it was off our balcony

View off our balcony - first photo on new camera

Then I took it to church and took a photo of Chrissie in front of Red Car

Chrissie and Red Car

Obligatory family photos Christmas morning

Kaz and David and presents

Family photo

Family photo - 1991

On boxing day we had Mum's family over for lunch

My camera
Mum's family

Mum's camera
Mum's family

All the cousins on Mum's side
Cousins on Mum's side

Me with Lauren, Rebecca and Rachel
Kaz and cousins

Don't know what we did with Dad's side of the family - no photos

Christmas 2001

Christmas Eve we went and visited Grandma at her nursing home

Mum and Grandma

Christmas Day David and I went home for Christmas lunch at Mum and Dad's

Family photo - 2001

David and Kaz

This was taken on my first digital camera - the Olympus
Family photo - 2001

Sydney was covered in bushfire smoke and the sky was quite eerie (but my camera didn't really capture it)

Eerie sky

Sun behind smoke

Sun behind smoke

Christmas 2011

Stu and I headed up Boxing Day morning for lunch with my family.

Family photo - 2011

Always feeding the birds

Christmas tree

We then had a touristy holiday in Sydney with Kore.

Christmas 2021

Woke up quite early, so put a turkey roast into the slow cooker for the morning.  Still experimenting with using slow cookers to do the turkey for the club Christmas in July events instead of the bbq.  Had a lovely relaxed morning with the sweetie, although probably a bit too relaxed - by mid morning I was feeling under a bit of pressure to get all the veggies on.  Ended up only six minutes late getting stuff into the oven - not too bad ;)  But we also had to work through quite a long todo list to get the house organised, as we only had a day's notice for plans with Mum and David to be established.  Also the huge siamensis in Stu's tank died which was pretty sad.  

Merry Christmas Stumpy!

All the veggies - sweet potato, parsnip, carrot and potato; potato bake; asparagus caesar

Christmas lunch

The slow cooker turkey (after I'd yanked out a chunk to see if it was done).  This was a "festive edition" turkey roast so it had stuffing.  I also added about half a litre of stock and a couple of tablespoons of corn flour to keep it moist and make its own gravy.  I also turned it down to low for maybe an hour and a half in the middle, and turned the turkey half way.  It was fall apart tender and it had lots of mush we could eat as well.

Christmas lunch

Christmas lunch!

Christmas lunch

The table decorated for Christmas

Christmas lunch

All the leftovers!

Christmas lunch leftovers

Mid afternoon we headed over to Annie's for dessert and drinks

Christmas desserts

Christmas desserts

Christmas desserts

Stu thought it would be fun to take Stumpy over as well.  He reacted by pooping all over the lounge.  Ha.

Stumpy Christmas



Immy took this "selfie" of me

Kaz at Christmas

So that was a lovely afternoon.

On the way home we saw this funny cloud

Funny cloud

Then Mum arrived.  We had snackages for dinner as we were all quite full, and watched an episode of The World According to Jeff Goldblum on fireworks.

Kaz and Mum

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas star