Penne Arribbiata Bake

A week and a half ago I made this Penne Arribbiata Bake from my Women's Weekly Gratins and Bakes book.

As usual, I modified things slightly - like using a whole pack of pasta instead of 300g.  And a lot more garlic and cheese ;)

Penne arribbiata bake

So a pack of pasta, an onion, garlic, a chili, half a dozen anchovies, a handful of olives, basil, passata, cheese.

Penne arribbiata bake

Cook the onion, then the garlic, chili, and anchovies and add the passata.

Penne arribbiata bake

Mix in the olives and basil and the pasta, then load up into a baking dish

Penne arribbiata bake

Top with cheese

Penne arribbiata bake

Then bake for half an hour or so

Penne arribbiata bake

We both quite enjoyed it, and felt it could have used more chili and olives (Stu thought more anchovies as well, but I got a mouthful of some in the leftovers so I don't think I'd add any more).

Is the juice worth the squeeze?
Me: yes, it was easy and tasty
Stu: yes