Mint Slice

The other week I had a go at Not Quite Nigella's Chocolate Peppermint Slice.  It was quite easy, save for the fact my food processor doesn't work all that well - it doesn't have a good enough cyclone action, so it blends the bottom really well but leaves the top untouched.  Super frustrating and makes everything take a lot longer than it should.

Mint slice

The base is meant to be 300g plain "cookies".  I ended up using a pack of Milk Arrowroot, plus about a third of a pack I had leftover from something else.  2 tablespoons cocoa powder, a bit of coconut (the recipe called for 35g of dessicated coconut - who sits and measures out 35g??), 150g melted butter, 150g sweetened condensed milk (Coles were out of the 150g tubes, so I used about half a 400g tin).  Blend the whole lot together (remember aforementioned horrible blender, so this was pretty painful) then spread out into a pan (Lorraine used a 20cm x 20cm tin, but I wanted to make it thinner).

Mint slice

Then 500g (!!!) of icing sugar (not mixture), blended with water, and with a little splash of peppermint essence.  I don't have food colourings in the house, but you could use green food colouring here.  More frustration with the food processor here.  Be sure not to add too much water at a time.

Mint slice

Then a block of dark chocolate and a tablespoon or two of oil (I used some coconut oil).

Mint slice

Tip: don't let the chocolate fully set before trying to cut it up!  Possibly I didn't use enough coconut oil, but in the end I had to let it warm up quite a bit in order to cut it without it shattering in odd ways.

But in the end it actually turned out really well.  The thicknesses of everything was a little uneven - some pieces had a very thin layer of icing.  And there felt like *so much* of it because I cut it up fairly small on account of All The Sugar :)

Mint slice