Spaghetti Rosa Bake

This was another recipe out of my Women's Weekly Gratins and Bakes book.

Half a pack of spaghetti, onion, garlic, cream, cheese, passata, basil

Spaghetti Rosa Bake

Cook onion and garlic, add passata and basil and simmer, and cook the spaghetti

Spaghetti Rosa Bake

Mix up the spaghetti and sauce, add some cheese and cream (I was a little enthusiastic with my cream pouring and used a bit too much).  I should also have used my big lasagna dish.

Spaghetti Rosa Bake

Add more cheese

Spaghetti Rosa Bake

Then bake for twenty minutes or so

Spaghetti Rosa Bake

It was a little runny, but very tasty

Spaghetti Rosa Bake

Is the juice worth the squeeze?
Me: yes, this was fairly simple
Stu: "Yes I think so"