Crumbed Basa

So this was a reproduction of a dinner we had at EffanC's a few weeks ago.  

A couple of basa fillets, lemon zest and juice, hot english mustard, panko bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, spring onions, olive oil.

Crumbed basa ingredients

We used the juice of two large lemons here, but that was too much, probabaly really only needed the juice of one lemon.  Soak the basa in the lemon juice and rub on some hot english mustard.  The crumb is a mix of the panko bread crumbs, a bunch of parmesan cheese, olive oil and sliced up spring onion.

Crumbed basa

Pile the crumb on top

Crumbed basa

Bake for a while (I think about three quarters of an hour)

Crumbed basa

There was too much liquid so it didn't really crumb up, but it was very tasty and we'd definitely do this again.