Friday 21st.  Backdating this.

Finished up work a bit early then got packed to head down the coast.  Took me an hour and a half to get organised.  hrmmm.

The sweetie was feeling super tired so I drove.  I felt pretty tense whenever anyone was behind me, because I wanted to take things a little slow on account of kangaroos, but also didn't want to be holding up traffic.  So went quite slow whenever there was an overtaking lane so people could pass me.  

Arrived at Kit and Pete's a bit before 20:30 and had a couple of drinks then went to bed.

Slept ok I think.  In the morning went and saw all the animals.  When I went outside the turkeys and guinea fowl all came over to see if I had food, but wandered off again when they realised I didn't.

Turkeys and guinea fowl

Kit fed all the birds first.

Turkey jump

Watched by an eastern yellow robin (raw pixels from phone)

Eastern yellow robin

The geese have gone - Solomon got eaten by a fox so Kit sold the two girls.  The goats have also moved on because they annoyed Kit too much.

Then down to the horses.  This is Scout, her newest horse.


Then to the sheep.

These are some of the new sheep

New sheep

This lamb was born just after we were down there last time

Strawberry the lamb

More of the lambs - so cute!!

Three lambs

Two lambs

Then continued our wander.  How spectacular is their turpentine tree!

Turpentine tree

Over to the very dewey powerline paddock (my feet got very wet) to see the neighbour's horses.

Neighbour's horses

Neighbour's horses

How freaky are Rocket's eyes?

Freaky horse eyes

Then some brunch (good thing I had a light breakfast a couple of hours ago ;) )

Eggs benedict of sorts

Then Kit did a bunch of work with Scout while I supervised and played with Elle and Ziggy.

For lunch we headed up to Mollymook and met up with Chloe and had lunch at the golf club, which has a lovely outlook over the beach.

Golf club outlook

There was some very nice cheesy garlic bread

Cheesy garlic bread

Kit was interested in the ribs for lunch, so I asked if she wanted to split it.  Turns out that was quite a sensible idea, as we ended up full enough without being stuffed silly.

Beachside ribs

After lunch we went for a bit of a wander

Mollymook panorama

Beach at Mollymook

You're a pigface

Tree at Mollymook

Then headed back to Kit and Pete's and hung out for a bit.

Farm house

Then Pete lit a fire and we had snackages and roasted some marshmallows and had a bbq for dinner and a pretty chillaxed night.

Mini bonfire

There was even cheesecake for Kit's birthday

Kit's birthday cheesecake

Kit blowing out the candles with her hand - very Covid safe ;)

Covid safe candle blow out

Went to bed around midnight, but then woke up at 5:30 and couldn't get back to sleep for ages.  So a pretty slow start.

The turkeys and guinea fowl came over again when I went out.

Turkeys and guinea fowl

Turkeys and guinea fowl

Did all the animals stuff, then Kit cooked up an epic breakfast of buns, eggs, bacon, garlic mushrooms and hashbrowns.

Epic egg sandwiches

Then we all wandered off.  Went into Batemans Bay to go over the new bridge and see if we could get a last look at the old bridge (didn't get a good view because they've only got the western half of the new bridge open at the moment).  We got home mid afternoon but didn't get much done and I was pretty tired.  I did cook up a cauliflower bake, potatoes, and broccolini with facon, so a relatively healthy dinner.  

All the veggies