Domino's Puff Pastry Pepperoni and Feta Pizza

This is one of our favourite pizzas from Dominos, and I keep telling the sweetie we should just make our own instead of buying them.  

So yesterday after Stu had had the oven on for brunch, I decided to make one for lunch.

So a bit of puff pastry with some squeezy tomato paste for the base, a bit of shredded mozarella, then pepperoni and feta.  Super simple!

Dominos puff pastry pepperoni feta pizza

Stick it in the oven for twenty minutes or so..  the problem with this is it puffed up quite a lot and the pepperoni slid around a bit

Dominos puff pastry pepperoni feta pizza

But once I cut it up it looked exactly like the Domino's version

Dominos puff pastry pepperoni feta pizza

As I mentioned in my other post it was a tad soggy in the middle - could have done with being cooked on a pizza stone or in a pizza oven.

The sweetie certainly liked it though :)