Easter Weekend

Good Friday.  Still wasn't really sure if I had a sore throat or not, but warned Mum anyway just in case.  Spent the morning tidying up the house.  Mum arrived just in time for lunch (of hot cross buns and leftover chicken and plum sauce). 

She made good use of the shelves I got for David :)

Mum and cubby holes

Spent most of the afternoon going through about fifty boxes of Dad's slides so she could fill in any details and memories.  Mum brought down Five Crowns card game, so we had a game of that.  I started off well, but Stu won.  Had salmon and salad for dinner.  After dinner we went for a drive around Canberra to show Mum some stuffs, and then we went up Mt Ainslie to have a bit of a looksee.

Canberra from Mt Ainslie

Canberra from Mt Ainslie

Canberra from Mt Ainslie

Canberra from Mt Ainslie

Canberra from Mt Ainslie

I also might have taken some photos of stars

Southern Cross sideways

Orion on a diagonal

Saturday morning we got ready then Mum and I headed north to go west.  We stopped in Jugiong for a pitstop and thought we'd go for a walk down to the river.  There was heaps of campers and horse floats about, as it turned out there was a Polo Cross tournament that weekend!  We went down to the river, and watched some of the guys practising.

Sergeant Parry Memorial

Hugh Macmaster Memorial Windmill


Polo Cross practise

Polo Cross practise

On the way back to the car I found a wallet just sitting on the ground.  There was a medicare card, but no licence that I could see.  Not that we looked very hard, we felt a bit odd going through someone's wallet.  We did find one slip of paper with some possible phone numbers on it, but none of them worked.  Maybe there was some contact info in there somewhere, but it certainly wasn't obvious.  Pro tip: always leave an easy to find contact information card in your wallet in the case of loss!!  I asked some of the people camping nearby if they knew the people, but they didn't, but did agree to hold onto it for us and sort it out, since they were planning on being there all weekend.  The lady tried messaging them on Facebook, but they didn't answer while we were there.  Anyways, she called me back later in the afternoon to let me know that their daughter had heard someone asking about the wallet, so it was returned to the owners!

We drove past Stu's dream home in the country

Stu potential dream home

We stopped in Cootamundra to have a wander around the station and look at the rail yards.

Signal gantry at Cootamundra

Railway lines at Cootamundra

Cootamundra station

Turntable at Cootamundra

Cootamundra station

Then onto Junee in time for lunch - of noodles :)  Had a look through David's photos of the RAAF Air Show (just some random selections throughout the five thousand or so of them that he took ;) ).  David was supposed to have a sleep and Mum thought she would too, so I went and found a jigsaw to do.  But it was more like a model made of cardboard - of the Titanic!  So David stayed up and we did it together.  Took a couple of hours.  And Mum ended up coming out but having a bit of a snooze on the lounge.  

Us with Titanic model

Titanic model

Then we helped David do some DVD sorting.  Then we got ready and walked down to the Junee Hotel for dinner.  Mum and I split a "rump and ribs" which was very sensible - just the right amount of food, and the ribs were lovely!

Went back to David's and watched most of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, followed by the new Storm Boy in an attempt to stay up a bit later to try and sleep in a bit with the end of daylight savings.  I enjoyed the remake, as I seem to remember the original being fairly slow and bleak.  

Sunday.  Slept quite well, and because of the late night I slept in a bit - which meant I woke up exactly on time for my normal routine :)  The problem was David was at work and didn't know what time he'd be home, so we just hung around the house bored.  I did a few logic puzzles which was a good distraction.  He ended up getting home at nearly lunch time, by which time was a bit frustrated that I hadn't achieved anything useful all day.  David organised (in the space of ten minutes!!) for a bunch of peeps to meet up at the Junee Hotel for lunch for roast lamb - Peter, Nick, Ben, and Ben's sister and kids who were down visiting. 

Junee lunch

So quite a nice lunch.  But it was pretty big, and we didn't finish eating til nearly 2pm, so decided I'd call off doing the lamb roast I'd planned for Sunday night.  After lunch Mum and I headed back to Canberra. 

Field burning

Field burning

Didn't get home til about 17:40.  And not at all hungry.  Put on a documentary about Machu Picchu, then had a game of Five Crowns, which I won, over pepperoni and cheese that I had for dinner.

Kings were wild this hand, and look what I got dealt!
Kings wild

Monday.  Slept well, and woke up exactly on time for the new time.  Mum got ready and went home.  I tried to catch up on everything I'm behind in.  I failed.  Abysmally.  Stu wanted to go out at lunch to see the new works they're doing at Lake Burley Griffin.  I just have this feeling like they're further ruining the circular shape of the area that was in the original design...   Still, it was a lovely day and nice spending time with the sweetie.

Lake infilling

Stu in dinghy

Crying Dinghy

Henry Rolland Park

Lake infilling

Henry Rolland Park

Henry Rolland Park panorama

Commonwealth Avenue bridges

Oh hai raven

Lake selfie

Lake no fountain

Red rumped parrots

Red rumped parrots snap

Came home and put on some Asian Style Beef Cheeks, and watched some tv in the evening.