New Car!

So when my first car was kidnapped and murdered, I was without a car for six weeks.  Some of that was waiting around for insurance to get sorted.  But then what was I going to do about a new car.  As it happened Cynthia was thinking about selling hers, so she sold it to me!  So it all worked out perfectly.  They say don't buy cars off friends, but I had no troubles at all with this car (well I did, but not til later when it was just getting old anyway).  So I ended up with another Laser, only a newer model, and this one had airconditioning :)   I ended up being out of pocket about a thousand dollars after getting insurance for the previous car.

Taken twenty years ago today out the back of CIA.

New car

New car

I had that car for eighteen years.  Was really sad letting it go in the end.