
The first person I ever "met" on the internet was Elwyn Chow.  He was an engineering student in Melbourne at the time I was doing my honours year.  I met him on either alt.tv or the Quantum Leap news group (probably Quantun Leap).  It came about because I'd taped the very last episode of Quantum Leap off tv back in 1995, but late night tv is notoriously unreliable at keeping to the correct air time, and so it went over time.  Way over time.  Even though I'd taped an extra five or ten minutes it still cut off the end.  So I posted a question (my very first post to usenet) asking what happened, and Elwyn replied.  We kept in contact after that.  Later in the year he let me have space on his school's web server, and so my first ever home page was at http://www.ecr.mu.oz.au/~eydc/karen/home.htm.  After I finished my degree I went down and visited Elwyn and his friend Doug (staying at Doug's place).  I wrote my first ever Hello World in C on Doug's computer.  There's a photo of us rollerblading you'll see later :)

Anyways.  In February 2000 Elwyn came up to Sydney.  I think he was looking for work or something.  So he asked if he could stay at my place.  Even though I only had a fold out foam couch in a tiny one bedroom flat, but he seemed ok with that.  My only problem was I was pretty distracted and depressed from the whole car saga, and not really in the right mental frame of mine to be having a houseguest for a week.  So I was pretty cranky the whole time.  

At the end of the week he gave me these flowers though, so that was pretty nice of him.

Flower from Elywn