In January 2001 my first car was kidnapped and murdered from out the front of my flat. Well it was kidnapped on a Monday night I think it was (it might actually have even been 8th January), and it was murdered Saturday night the following weekend. The girl who was driving was 14 years old, and claimed that "boys" had originally stolen it. The car she crashed into was not insured, so the owner was pretty pissed at her. I just got depressed at my sudden lack of transport and freedom, and that my little car had been destroyed.
Anyways, a couple of weeks later after all the insurance assessments and police stuff had been done, I was able to go see the wreck of my car and get any personal effects out of it. I think I caught a train out to some western suburbs station where my boss came and picked me up and we drove to the place to see it.
Sad times :(