Moon and Planet Kiss

I get a lot of my news from @Cmdr_Hadfield.  The other week he alerted me to the "planet kiss" coming up.  I dug out my old copy of Starry Night and went and had a look.  Last Thursday was going to be the most interesting, because the moon would be in frame too.  Monday night they would have been closest, but it was raining here that night.  I popped outside briefly last night to have a look, but didn't bother with any photos because my little 135mm (200 equiv) lens would still just show them as a single dot.  Unless you have a great telescope the planet kiss wouldn't have been very interesting.  But having the moon next to them was pretty cool.  My best shot by far was on David's 400mm lens (even greater because of my sensor scale).  

Planet kiss with moon

(that's Jupiter at the bottom, Saturn slightly up to the right).

This is just the moon, from that same shot..

Epic moon

And this is the same shot again, at actual pixels..

Epic moon

Fun times :)