Christmas 1980-2020

Christmas 1980

We hadn't started doing family photos back then.  But Dad did take photos of David and me.  1980 was the year we got our first bikes.  So here's a photo of me on my shiny new bike!  No gears though, and we lived in a hilly suburb, so riding it was a lot of hard work!

Me on my new bike

Christmas 1990

Obligatory family and present photos.

Christmas 1990

Christmas 1990

Christmas 1990

We went over to Nana's on Christmas day.  This is all the cousins on Mum's side.

Christmas 1990

And some extra ringins I don't even know who they are.

Christmas 1990

No idea what we did with Dad's side of the family - no photos.

Christmas 2000

I was living out of home by now.

Christmas Eve we met up with Ian and Jan at Grandma's nursing home. 


I got a rare good photo of Jan!


Christmas Day we were back home for Christmas lunch, and some of Mum's family came over.

Christmas 2000

Christmas 2000

Christmas 2000

Christmas 2000

Christmas 2010

Had Christmas Day in Yass with Stu's family.

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010

Then on Boxing Day we drove to Sydney to have dinner with my family.

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2020

A very quiet one this year.

I didn't sleep very well, and tried to sleep in.  But that put me "behind" all morning.  Not that I really was, I just felt like I was because I felt two hours out all morning.  I cooked a roast pork (the butcher only had fancy stuffed ones, and they only had coconut, mango and pineapple left, and as it turns out a kick of chili), potato bake and veggies.

Christmas roast pork

Christmas 2020

Christmas 2020

Christmas 2020

Christmas 2020

After lunch Stu and I headed over to Annie's for drinks and afternoon tea.  Not that any of us felt like any food for *ages*.  I took over some of a gingerbread cheesecake (handy I had a backup - the pavlova I tried to make was an epic failure).

Christmas 2020

David had gone out in the afternoon/evening to a mate's place, so I think we just watched some Discovery before bed.

Merry (backdated) Christmas! :) 🎄🍾🥂🎁