Back in the early 80s, Dad did a lot of bushwalks with mates from work. They did several trips to the Shoalhaven - I have a feeling they walked/liloed the entire length of the river over time. Forty years ago today Dad took this photo of Tony (Robinson?) and Brian (Hayman?) on beach at bottom of Needles Pass.
The thing that made this photo special is that they got a poster sized print of it and mounted it to a piece of masonite and hung it in the kitchen, where it stayed for nearly thirty-five years until Mum sold the house in 2014. So we looked at this photo *a lot* !!
Funnily enough I couldn't easily find a picture of it in the kitchen.. I probably have one somewhere.. but I did find this one of Pam making cocktails one Christmas.
I scanned Mum's print of it some years back and was going to use that, but scanned Dad's slide just the other day..!
Sylvia Johnson
It was a nice photo to have in the kitchen.