Not backdated, but no photos, will update with photos later.
Monday. Noticed the sucking cat fish hadn't moved from yesterday. I put my hand in the tank to poke it to see if it was alive, and it was COLD!! 15C!! Fricken heater must have died. No wonder the angel had died. And the cory looked pretty sick too, and they hadn't eaten the algae wafer I gave them on Saturday. Brought up a little heater from the empty two foot from downstairs. But after being plugged in and running all day, the tank had only risen a couple of degrees in temperature. Did my quota of UK labelling, washing up and finished a jigsaw by 19:30, so on to cull Tumut photos for the blog.
Tuesday. Had to go into work - first time I'd done any work in the office since May. I'd rather be at home. But did go and have Kingsleys with the guys which was nice. After lunch was a very draining meeting with vendors. Blerf. Meanwhile it's all happening for Kit and Pete - sold two houses and bought another in the space of a couple of weeks! Cooked Coles chicken kievs and home-made wedgies. Got quota of UK photos labelled (finished day 22), but didn't have the energy for Tumut photo culling.
Wednesday. Turned the heater on in the morning but nothing happened. It's been so warm these past few days. It was still 19 in the house (heater was on 17). Fish tank still slowly warming up. However it was a cold day, and the house didn't warm up at all from the sun, in fact it kept getting colder, so turned the heater on (up to 18).
When you open your front door and this is what you see...
Thursday. Scanned the 100th box of Dad's slides. The fish tank had actually cooled down again overnight :( That little 25W heater is just not up to the task. I found a bigger one downstairs, but it hadn't been plugged in in forever, so wouldn't trust the seals on it, so mounted it so it wouldn't be submerged. It managed to heat up the tank quite nicely. Also after relative peace and quiet for the past month or so, one of the neighbours dogs has started barking on and on and on again. Epic #grunt. Went to the chemist at lunch, and did a couple of hundred dollars worth of shopping while waiting. Whoops. Watched start of Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo.
I didn't buy this but maybe I should have!
I did actually buy this because Scott and Dee had some at the club back in July - very nice!
Friday. Morning was fine. But afternoon was crap. Couldn't get stuff to work, stoopid firewall is still being stoopid, and had that telltale feeling of getting sick - sore throat, coughing, just not feeling right. I should point out that Stu came down sick on Sunday, four days after last contact with David, but he hadn't had contact with anyone else since then. So we knew it wasn't going to be covid, but he was so sick he ended up taking the entire week off. And he got a covid test. And it was negative. Like we knew it would be. But it was fairly inevitable that I'd get sick too. And I did. Sigh. Stu cooked dinner - some of my mince mix with peri peri sauce for a nice warmth, on toast with cheese. Watched The Cat Returns which was a bit of fun, and the return of The Baron!
Saturday. Woke up very early. But my body is allergic to actual sleep. Lay in bed all morning, alternating between pretending to sleep and colouring in Happy Colour. Went back to bed for a bit after lunch. The sweetie felt like going on a drive, so sat in the car and we drove around Denman Propect and the Cotter and came back via Uriarra Crossing. Nice drive with the sweetie.
Stu cooked dinner using some more of my mince, cabbage, sushi rice and seasonings. He called his Japanese inspired chop suey. It was tasty and everyone went back for seconds.
Sunday. Went to bed early, but only managed an hours sleep by 3:30. Got a few hours after that. My body refuses to sleep at the best of times, but add not being able to breath and a sore spine and I've got no hope. Another day of laying in bed all morning not sleeping. David cooked ham and cheese panckes for lunch. This afternoon was just blogging and we have a lamb roast in the oven for dinner.