Backdating a bit...
So where we?
Sunday was roast pork, and finished watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I did like Jim Carrey playing a serious role, but the movie was all a little odd and a little confusing with the end at the beginning and stuff.
Monday was trying to catch up on photo labelling that I missed out doing last week. Got a lot done but didn't catch up. Passed 1600 scanning Dad's slides.
Tuesday I woke up at 3:24 and never got back to sleep :( Work fighting with stoopid proxies. And stoopid people wanting to put me on the phone in front of a room full of people while they put me on the spot while I solve their stoopid proxy problem for them. I. Don't. Think. So. !!!! Finished up at 4pm then spent the next two hours catching up on housework. It never fricken ends. Put the bins out, did some washing, put away some washing, did the dusting and vacuuming (omfg awful old vacuum cleaner), put away a jigsw, and just a general tidy up (our cordless vacuum cleaner has been playing up after something got jammed in the roller. Had to drag out the old one but it is sooo painful to use!!)
Wednesday fixed a different stoopid proxy problem for Tony (hi Tony!). After dinner finally caught up on UK photo labelling. Started watching Marie Antoinette (ha, another Kirsten Dunst movie).
Thursday someone at work said muchos nachos and that was enough inspiration for lunch!
While I was buying the chips, I asked Chris if I should buy toilet paper. He said yes. So I did. Yanno, cause second wave in Victoria and people being stoopid and all. Watched an episode of Fuller House - the one where Steph accidentally backs the car into the kitchen. And I thought I'd go watch the original episode. Except Netflix have pulled Full House!! Bastards. So watched the scene on YouTube instead. Finished watching Marie Antoinette.
Friday we both took a random day off so we could Get Things Done. We end up being out All. Day.
First stop was the mall. Stu needed a hair cut - he'd been sporting the COVID-19 hair cut - it was *very* long. While he did that I bought some sheets, some gluhwein, and some storage tubs.
Next we headed to Fyshwick to look at beds. We really want something bigger, and I want a firmer mattress. There were a couple of options that came close, but we didn't see anything we both fell in love with.
Then to Ikea because, Ikea. Well actually I wanted to get a storage cube for David's room, and Stu wanted to get a little drawer unit for his study. After the lap of the show room and running into Scott we had lunch. Because of COVID-19 they want you to register with a QR code that takes you to their site, you fill in all your deets and you get a ticket - they won't let you in without one. So then you take a trolley, go order your food, pay, then they seat you. All very strange.
Walked through the bits and pieces section and I picked up a lightning cable and some candles, before we picked up what we came for.
Then we headed into the city. Stu had a physio appointment for his back, and I wandered BigW and JB Hifi.
Then to Jamo for our food shopping. And it was a good thing I bought toilet paper the day before - Coles are out again!
Ran into Peter LM there too which was pretty funny.
Collapsed in a heap when we got home. Sausages for dinner, then we watched Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (in english, because, Patrick Stewart).
Saturday morning I scanned some more slides. 50 boxes, 1800 slides scanned. I made up the shelves for David's room, and Stu's drawers.
The shelves came with an allen key holdy thingie for better leverage..
Otherwise just all the houseworks. Made Ali's choc chip cookies. And a blue cheese potato bake. I watched Josh Gad's Reunited Apart episode on Splash, either Friday or Saturday, so started watching Splash :)
Sunday I drove to Sydney. On the way I stopped at Nepean Dam, but Avon Dam is closed at the moment - bridge works apparently. Got to Mum's and we spent quite a while looking at all Dad's slides that I'd scanned so far. She filled in some stories for some of them which was pretty cool. Roasted some potatoes to have with some leftover chicken.
Monday morning first thing we headed to my flat. The tenants were moving out and after being burnt last time I wanted to make sure I saw the place this time. I allowed 45 minutes to get there in peak hour traffic. It took 20. In fact we were so early we did a drive by of Grandma's old flat, and then a drive by of Luc and Lizzi's. Their car was out the front so we went and said hi :) So that was nice to see them. And omfg Sammy is pregnant! After so long that's amazing news. So went and looked at the flat. The tenants had done an amazing job keeping the place clean. In fact the stove was cleaner than when they got it!
Then I drove straight home. Well kinda. I did have to wait an extra maybe twenty minutes or half an hour or so because someone wasn't paying attention and smashed their car up on the Hume. I probably would have been quicker dropping Mum home and taking Appin Road. Oh well. Then straight to work. Blah evening, but did finish watching Splash.