Brushing up on looking down

So last Sunday night was epic lasagna night with Lana's recipe.  

Lasagna ingredients

Lasagna ready to bake

So awesome!  Although baking dish doesn't *quite* fit into the new oven! :(  Had to tilt it slightly.

Lasagna cooked

I didn't have the energy for greenery, but we did have greenery with the leftovers ;)


Monday David went home for the week - his knee had been giving him grief for a week.  Maybe gout from all the tomatoes I've been feeding him recently??  hrmmmm.  It was a glorious autumn day and went for a walk at lunch (I've been going for walks most days, and the weather for the most part has been amazing lately).  I've also been getting through the lemon "tea" (just flavoured sugar) I got in Turkey in 2014, having it in our pretty Cunard tea cups we got for Christmas on our last cruise.  

Cunard lemon tea

Last of the chrysanthemums

I also started the next section of the Disney Behemoth jigsaw - The Little Mermaid section, and got stuck into labelling UK 2010 photos.

Thursday morning I finished scanning roll 21 of Dad's slides - that was three boxes in one week!  Epic!  At lunch I cut up some potatoes to dry out for the afternoon, so that we could pretend to be a bit healthy and have potato wedges instead of pizza for dinner.  Then we watched the CGI Lion King.  Gosh CGI is amazing these days.  The movie was *very* similar to the original, some things were shot for shot exactly the same.  It wasn't quite the same without Jeremy Irons and Rowan Atkinson, although John Oliver was ok.

Friday Stu had an appointment so dropped me at work so I could copy and clear everything off my old laptop so I could give it back.  

Cirrus is coming along slowly.  Much *much* slower than Geocon.  I can't help thinking these are likely to be better quality than Geocon, as it seems like they're taking their time to do things properly.  Who knows..
Cirrus Belconnen

In the evening the sweetie had a hankering for Crust.  So much for a pizza free week! ;)  Then we watched the original Lion King because the sweetie had never actually seen it!!  *gasp*   If I'd known that we could have watched the original first.  

Saturday I spent the entire day alternating between the jigsaw and cleaning the house, with a little computer time in the mix as well.  In the evening EffanC came over - first time we've had anyone over for dinner in months!  (good incentive to clean the house!)   We had bubbles and cheese, epic roast pork and potato bake with veggies, Gluhwein and cinnamon scrolls for dessert that F made.  A lovely evening.

Wine and cheese

I didn't get a photo of the pork, whoops!
Gluhwein and potato bake

I'm super lazy with the gluhwein - rather than fussing about with the stove or slow cooker, I just nuke it.  A whole bottle will fit into four glasses, and I microwaved for about three minutes.

Gluhwein microwave

Cinnamon scrolls

Today I pretty much just did the jigsaw all day, and watched stuff on the internet.  Nice lazy day :)