.. or not..
Thursday we watched the live action Aladdin. It was pretty underwhelming. None of the charm of the original. Will Smith's genie was probably the best thing about the movie, and he ain't no Robin Williams. It felt like watching a Bollywood movie rather than a Middle Eastern one.
Friday Neil and I tried out Malatang Hotpot. You choose your ingredients, pay by weight, choose a sauce, and they cook it for you. ok value - my 275g of food was $7.95 or thereabouts (I can't remember the numbers). They have four sauces in the built in sign above the food, but there were five on the counter (with spiciness ratings). The ones above don't give any indication of spiciness, so I went with big bone broth, which sounded pretty mild. And it was. Neil got the spiciest, which was too hot for me. I'd be happy to try a mild or maybe even a medium next time. Biggest problem was the *huge* bits of spinach which made it super messy to eat. They really need to cut things a bit smaller.
In the evening I watched My Brilliant Career, which was to be honest pretty boring. Full of unlikeable characters behaving badly. Meh. But with a stoopidly young Sam Neill and Robert Grubb.
Friday night was stoopidly hot and I just could not get to sleep. Epic grunt. Might have had a meltdown around 1am.
So was pretty tired on Saturday. Did a bit of house stuff, and a bit of photo stuff. Did some food shopping, although I was nervous about leaving the house because it was super hot and very windy.
As I was cooking dinner (beef stronganoff from an old packet of Mum's), EffanC called, so they ended up coming over for dinner and chatting and snackages.
Slightly late night but not too crazy.
Sunday I spent the entire freakin day trying to get caught up on finances, getting bank statements etc to get organised for tax. Yeah didn't even finish. #grunt.
But the sweetie did cook a slow cooker chickpea curry for dinner.
Monday I took a random day off, had a super productive hour or two of housework, and processed all Ryan's morph photos. Made several videos for the party. Later in the afternoon I pointed Picasa at my work photo directory and had it see who was in photos. Interesting stuff. It did find a lot automatically once tagged, but the majority it wants confirmation on. It rather nicely saves all the people in each file into an ini file in the directory, to make for easy extraction later. But I did forget to do my washing. Whoops. Cooking chicken teriyaki for dinner with a packet that was best before the exact same day Dad went and carked it..
Tuesday. Even though last night was *much* cooler, I *still* couldn't get to still til some time between 12 and 1am. So frustrating. So zombie day today. Salmon for dinner. And then Stu challenged David to fix our two digital radios which stopped working last year. And he did. Because he's the most awesomest brother ever. Also fun: we were both labelling photos from flights across America. Me from late 2000. Him from early 2020. Fun times.
And there's a reason I don't tell Certain People stuff - cause whenever I do they basically tell me I'm doing it Wrong and make me feel dumb. Le sigh.