Canberra Day Trip

Thirty years ago today, Mum and I picked up Nana and did a day trip to Canberra.  I was studying for my Ls at the time, and remember using the trip to read the road rules book I had.

First up we went to the New Parliament House, which was not quite two years old at the time.  Apparently we did a tour, but I have no memories of it.

Kaz and Mum at New Parliament House

New Parliament House

New Parliament House

Courtyard in New Parliament House

Flag pole at New Parliament House

Roof of New Parliament House

Looking out the front facade of New Parliament House

Nana at New Parliament House

Then I spent four hours at the National Science and Technology Centre (Questacon), which I thoroughly enjoyed.  It had only been open for a little over a year in its new building.


Then we came all the way back to Sydney, dropped Nana off, and I got a photo taken with the letterbox I designed.

Nana and Karen and the new letterbox