Third Quarter Jigsaws

At the end of June I was so filled with rage at the hypocrisy of our change management team that I took a slightly long lunch and went jigsaw shopping at Vinnies.  This 400 piece one wasn't priced though, so they had to make up a price at the register.  The 1000 piece one I got was $5, so you'd think this would be $2.  No, they charged me $4.  #grunt.  Did it in early July on the window sil.  Complete too, surprisingly.

Kings Reach jigsaw

This was the other jigsaw I got that day.  The California coast line.  At 1000 pieces it's a bit of a struggle to fit on the window sil, and took a lot longer to do.  Also complete.

California coast jigsaw

It was very badly cut though - it'd gotten misaligned in the machine, so the cuts were too close and pieces were broken.

California coast jigsaw pieces

This one was in the break out area.  After a morning tea it was still there with most of the sky and water to be done.  So I finished it.  Whoops.

Sydney jigsaw

Had to dig into my supply of completed jigsaws for another small one to do at work.  Did it without the box, because the box has five jigsaws in it.  I did have photo from last time though. 

Tiger jigsaw

I was with Neil when he bought this.  I might have strongly encouraged him to do so, so that I could do it as well ;)  He never ended up doing it (he started at Christmas with his family but didn't finish it, and hadn't cleared space to do it at home).  So I borrowed it and did it in a weekend.  So much fun.

Movie Pun jigsaw

It has visual puns/clues for one hundred different movies.  I think I got about 3/5ths to begin with.  Then I looked at the location guide which lists the movies in alphabetical order.  From that I was able to guess some more movies, and realise some of my guesses were wrong because they were out of order.  From that I ended up with about 3/4 of the movies.

Spoilers ahead now. 

The problem with the jigsaw was the lack of resolution on some of the pictures.  Like this one.  It looks a bit like a black Admiral Ackbar, but is in fact Iron Lady.  Which maybe I would have had half a chance of getting if I could have seen her face.

Movie Pun jigsaw

Same with this one.  Looks like Airplane! to me, but was in fact Snakes on a Plane.  How am I meant to even see that?

Movie Pun jigsaw

Or this.  Some little kid sitting on a building.  How the heck are you meant to see that's Young Frankenstein?  You can *just* see it once you know.

Movie Pun jigsaw

This I thought was Super Eight until I saw the order was wrong.  Turns out it was The Angry Eight.

Movie Pun jigsaw

Some of them were a lot of fun to guess (like this one, guesses?).

Movie Pun jigsaw

Others even with the answer I was like.. how..?  This one took me *ages* to get even once I knew the answer.

Movie Pun jigsaw

Anyone see it?

And some were a bit of a stretch, like Reservoir Dogs

Movie Pun jigsaw

Definitely a lot of fun though.

And this other small one from the same pack as the tigers.

Kitten jigsaw